Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Facism essays
Facism essays 3. Publisher: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers 6. How long did it take to read the book? 1 day 7. Why did you choose this book? I wanted to get a better understanding of fascism. 8. What is the main subject of the book? The nature of fascism and the studies of two fascist states, Italy and Germany. 9. Benito Mussolini was dictator of Italy from 1922-1943. As a little boy, he was proved bright but violent. He was expelled from school fives times. Out of these five times, two were for stabbing fellow students. Mussolini had different careers before he reached the age of 30. He was a teacher, laborer, agitator, army deserter, journalist, union organizer, prisoner, and editor of the Socialist Party newspaper Avanti! He was drafted in 1915 and served as corporal until he was wounded and was discharged in 1917. Gabriele dAnnunzio was a famous poet at the age of 16. While fighting in World War I, Gabriele lost an eye and was given the award of bravery. A daring air raid over Vienna in 1918 made him a national hero. Gabriele was admired by many for acting boldly in a bombardment between the disputing sides of Italy and Yugoslavia. He later became a strong support of fascism but preferred to write rather then deal with politics. Adolf Hitler was born in Austria in 1889. He was not born a German. Adolf was a failure in school. He moved to Vienna and then to Munich to pursue other interests. Though he lacked education, money, family, and friends, he still dreamed of greatness within himself. He volunteered to be in the war when it just broke out in 1914. Hitler won the Iron Cross twice but was never promoted to a higher position other then corporal. 10. The book first describes how fascism came to be. It was after World War I when the fascist movements managed to turn Italy and Germany, two ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Cuál es el costo de sacar o renovar pasaporte americano
Cul es el costo de sacar o renovar pasaporte americano Lo que cuesta el pasaporte americano depende de una serie de factores, entre los que se encuentra la edad del solicitante, la urgencia de la peticià ³n, si se trata de una renovacià ³n o de sacarlo por primera vez o, incluso, de si se pide conjuntamente con una tarjeta de pasaporte.. Este documento solo lo pueden solicitar los ciudadanos de los Estados Unidos, incluidas las personas nacidas en los territorios de la Commonwealth, como por ejemplo, el Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico. Asimismo, se puede solicitar dentro de Estados Unidos o tambià ©n desde el exterior, a travà ©s de una Embajada o consulado. Es importante resaltar que el pasaporte americano no se compra ni se vende, es necesario previo a solicitarlo haber adquirido la condicià ³n de estadounidense por nacimiento, naturalizacià ³n, derecho de sangre u otra forma derivada a travà ©s de los padres o adopcià ³n. Por el contrario, sà es posible comprar la residencia en Estados Unidos, es decir, la tarjeta de residencia a partir de una inversià ³n de ms de medio millà ³n de dà ³lares. Este es un modelo similar pero diferente al que siguen estos 20 paà ses que tiene programas de adquisicià ³n ciudadanà a (pasaporte) y/o residencia a cambio de inversià ³n. Algunos son realmente interesantes. A continuacià ³n, un desglose del costo del pasaporte americano, segà ºn cada uno de los diferentes casos.. Costo del pasaporte americano para los ciudadanos de 16 aà ±os o ms Tanto en el caso en el que se solicita por primera vez como tambià ©n cuando se renueva la cuota a pagar $110. Adems, cuando se trata de sacarlo por primera vez a esa cantidad deben aà ±adir separadamente $25 ms, en concepto de gastos de gestià ³n. Es lo que se conoce en inglà ©s como acceptance agent fee. Se tiene que pagar porque un funcionario federal da fe de la firma que se estampa en el pasaporte. Tanto en un caso como en otro si el solicitante quiere, a mayores del pasaporte, obtener una tarjeta de pasaporte deber pagar $30 ms. Estos precios arriba mencionados aplican tanto cuando se solicita el pasaporte en Estados Unidos o en el exterior en la embajada o consulado que corresponda. Todos esos costos son para el caso en los que no hay urgencia para solicitar ese documento y se puede esperar entre 4 y 6 semanas, que es lo que se viene demorando la tramitacià ³n regular. Adems, sà ³lo para los casos en los que el solicitante se encuentre en Estados Unidos podr pedir que la gestià ³n se tramite urgentemente. Costo del pasaporte americano para los nià ±os menores de16 aà ±os Tanto en los casos en los que se saca por primera vez como en los de renovacià ³n hay que pagar $80 a los que hay que sumar siempre $25 en concepto de gastos de gestià ³n que solo hay que pagar cuando se aplica por primera vez, no al renovar. Si adems se solicitase una tarjeta de pasaporte, aà ±adir $15 al precio. Costo para acelerar los trmites para el pasaporte Si se solicita una gestià ³n de urgencia, pagar otros $60. Esto aplica tanto en los casos en los que se solicita el pasaporte por primera vez o se renueva. Y no hay distincià ³n de precio segà ºn la edad del solicitante, es decir, pagan igual nià ±os que adultos. Y, adems $12.85 por servicio de mensajerà a urgente, si bien este servicio es opcional aunque recomendable. Costo de otros servicios relacionados con el pasaporte Pueden darse las siguientes circunstancias: Cuando el solicitante no encuentra documentos que prueben su ciudadanà a: $150 para que el gobierno investigue sobre posibles Reportes Consulares de Nacimientos en el Exterior o posibles pasaportes anteriores.Pasaporte robado o extraviado: $80 si se trata de un menor de 16 aà ±os y $110 para los que han cumplido los 16 o tienen ms edad. No hay que pagar si el solicitante se encuentra en otro paà s y su pasaporte ha sido robado o lo han extraviado.Correccià ³n de un error administrativo como equivocacià ³n en nombre o fecha de nacimiento: no hay que pagar.Cambio de nombre: no hay que pagar si el pasaporte actual vigente tiene menos de un aà ±o y se puede documentar legalmente el cambio de nombre (por ejemplo, por acta de matrimonio). Si se solicita un trmite de urgencia, à ©se servicio sà que hay que abonarlo.Segundo pasaporte: $110. Los costos del pasaporte americano siempre se pueden verificar en la pgina del Departamento de Estado. Consejos para el paso de control migratorio y de aduanas Estos son los documentos que pueden utilizar los ciudadanos americanos para ingresar a su paà s, es importante estar informado porque aunque el pasaporte siempre se admite en algunos casos es posible que un ciudadano regrese a los Estados Unidos sin necesidad de mostrar el pasaporte. Y recordar que es posible acelerar el paso por el control migratorio cuando se regresa a los Estados Unidos por medio de la participacià ³n en ciertos programas, cada uno con sus propios requisitos. Por ejemplo: Nexus, entre Canad y Estados UnidosSENTRI, paso terrestre o marà timo entre Mà ©xico y Estados UnidosY Global Entry y APC para aeropuertos. Doble nacionalidad: quà © pasaporte utilizar en la frontera de Estados Unidos Por à ºltimo, destacar que si un ciudadano americano tiene doble nacionalidad y, por lo tanto, 2 pasaportes, debe tener siempre en cuenta que la ley requiere que el ingreso a Estados Unidos siempre se realice utilizando el pasaporte americano. Este es un artà culo informativo. No es asesorà a legal.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
European Human Rights Protection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
European Human Rights Protection - Essay Example The security of the European Union member country may be justified to restrict individual human rights at time even derogating from some of them. This may take effects under the following circumstances. (Boyles, 2005) European Union member nations can apply derogations in the abolishing of a peaceful licensed demonstration if they feel that the demonstration is going to be a menace to the well being of the society or the nation at large. European Member countries have power to deport a person (foreigner) on the ground that their presence in Europe is a threat to the national security. But the law provides that the individual can be deported after a certain time. European member countries can ignore the issue of time and deport that person immediately if they feel the person (foreigners) is a threat to their country. In cases of terrorism act like in the case of September 11th 2001 terrorism attack European member countries can employ their military machinery to help them in wiping out the terrorist. European member countries can also detain people who are being suspected to be terrorist while interrogating them without taking into account the number of days stipulated in the law that a suspect is supposed to take before being taken into a court for prosecution. (Mokhtar, 2004) Guarantee of some fair tr... (Mokhtar, 2004) . Guarantee of some fair trails, as long as it is not conflicting with other human treaties. However only situation should be the only driving factor that should determine weather a person will be granted a fair trail or weather he won't. Proportionality principle calls for a reasonably light abolition of obligations that is to emergency situation in a country. A suspect can be denied is right to access his lawyer or family during detention. The right of liberty is amongst those which are usually ignored during emergency In order to respond to a crisis or a threat to the citizens, member countries may 'shy away' from the rights of the individual, that are recognized by the law. For example when an individual has committed an act of terrorism, the Government may hold him for a long time as long as they want before bringing to the court. (Boyles, 2005) European member states may derogate when facing situations which poses a danger that put the life of the country in danger. Putting life of the nation in danger implies that: the situation is affecting the entire population or a very large part of the country which cannot be neglected, the situation poses a serious threat to the integrity of the citizens of the members of the European countries, the independence (political) of the member country or interfere with the functioning of public utilities or institutions. Before applying Derogation, the member country has to access the situation on the ground. The situation should meet the standards set down by the European Union like being a threat to the member countries citizen before declaring Derogation state. The declaration has
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
California Indians Surviving the Gold Rush Essay
California Indians Surviving the Gold Rush - Essay Example The easiest way to survive was, perhaps, the most humiliating. Some Indians allowed their oppressors to "civilize" them. By adopting white styles of dress, living in modern, rather than traditional homes, and most importantly, but kowtowing to the white man and embracing his religion, some native people were able to keep their own lives. In Deeper than Gold: Indian Life in the Sierra Foothills, Brian Bibby writes of a man called Billy Preacher, who, based on the stories and artifacts he left behind, had a strong belief in and connection to his own religion and culture. However, Billy Preacher, "accommodating to change" (Bibby 30), goes to work on a white man's ranch and eventually takes on his employer's culture. Bibby states that this ranch, "provided a safe haven and labor opportunities for individuals and families who had been disinherited from their former homes by the influx of miners and settlers to the region" (Bibby 30). Billy Preacher, at the end of his life, has converted t o Christianity and in appearance appears almost completely European. Servitude was more or less expected by the white man, who saw the Native as, at best, a useful servant, and, at worst, a pest to be exterminated. For this reason, many Indians found it simpler to cater to the invaders, whoever they were.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Mosaics in Pompeii Essay Example for Free
Mosaics in Pompeii Essay Mosaic decoration was commonly used in the beautification of both private and public buildings in Pompeii and has been found in all different shapes, sizes locations and with all different purposes. Mosaics were often used as flooring in Pompeii were largely used to decorate floors and entrance walls to houses and other buildings, some representing importance, others advertisement and even propaganda. The panel depicting The Battle of Alexander housed in the Archaeological Museum in Naples and originating from the House of the Faun, is, though, one of the most important and magnificent examples. The Alexander Mosaic was found during the excavation of Pompeii in 1831 in the â€Å"Casa del Fauno†(House of the Faun), one of Pompeiis grandest residences. Today it is one of the most famous Roman mosaics. The work itse;f measures to 5.82 x 3.13 metres in size and there is debate as to what the mosaic represents, whether it was to depict the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great and the Persian king Darius III in the year 333 BC or the battle of Gaugamela in the year 331 BC, where Alexander the Great and Darius clashed once again. There is also a belief that a Hellenistic painting was used as the model. The mosaic shows the magnificence of Greek monumental painting and four-colour painting. There is no debate however on its beauty, detail, the skill woven into each detailed plate of mosaic tiles and the time it would have taken to put such a delicate and intricate piece together. The piece is made of roughly 4 million white, yellow, red, and black tesserae. The picture shows Alexander galloping into battle with a mass of troops behind him on the left hand side, pursuing Darius into a battle. The picture also shows towards the right hand side of the mosaic, the Persians turning to flee, with a fearful loom from Darius as the only thing facing alexander and his men. Today, the original Alexander Mosaic is on display in the National Museum of Archaeology in Naples. An exact copy – identical in shape, size, colour and materials used – was created after several years of work by the Scuola Bottega del Mosaico di Ravenna and is now installed in Pompeii. The painting is described by Pliny the Elder as representing the battle of Alexander with Darius. Certain inconsistencies in the mosaic point to its derivation from another source. The patches basically show us the mosaic through the Romans eyes, and tell us what interested the ancient viewer. Although Darius is the most prominent figure in the mosaic, the Romans were much more interested in Alexander, he said. The portrait of Alexander corresponds to the so-called Lysippean type, which includes for example the Per gamon Head. Alexander is not idealised here in the otherwise frequent form: with long curls and full, soft features as the incarnation of Zeus, the sun-god Helios or Apollo [†¦]. His head appears rather more gaunt, with tautly shaped cheeks, marked by suggested or deeply-carved wrinkles and with short hair barely covering his ear. Both types, the realistic and the idealising, do admittedly show the parting of the forelock characteristic of Alexander here as short, unmanageable strands, in the deifying variation as upwardly radiating pairs of locks. A later, but unmistakeable echo of this hairstyle can be found in the consciously stylised, characteristic forelock of Augustus. Conclusuions we can draw about the spciteies of Pompeii and Herculaneum through looking at this mosaic are It is thought that this house was built shortly after the Roman conquest of Pompeii, and is likely to have been the residence of one of Pompeiis new, Roman, ruling class. The mosaic highlights the wealth and power of the occupier of the house. What is less know is the mosaics role as a floor surface in an Italian house. In this role, it has the potential to provide evidence of the tastes, interests and desires of the wealthy Romans during the late Republic, There is clear evidence of multiple ancient repairs in these damaged areas. The most recent restorations filled the gaps with mortar, while more ancient repairs used tesserae, show a keen interest in the arts and that they hold great importance to a fmailies household perhaps sudgesting status in society by their beauty and expence. http://news.discovery.com/history/how-the-alexander-mosaic-was-used.html http://alexandermosaik.de/en/interpretation_of_the_mosaic.html http://www.pompeionline.net/pompeii/mosaic.htm http://archaeology.about.com/od/archaeologicalsi3/ss/pompeii_faun_7.htm http://alexandermosaik.de/en/
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Various Shades of grey :: essays research papers
Various Shades of Grey Honesty. A small word. Barely seven letters. Its potency for explosion – infinite. Today we are at the crux of change as Europe had been during the Renaissance. Our world today is torn apart by the greed of others. It is submerged in the excesses of the rich and the powerful. As per surveys conducted by the United Nations the top ten percent of the world’s population control two thirds of the earths natural resources. Today we are racked by war, hatred, racism, genocide and terrorism. It is at this hour we need the basic tenets of morality to guide us at the epoch of civilization, an era which compromises the best of times and the worst of times. In troubled times we turn to others for help. In these days there exists no more kindred souls so we are left to turn to ourselves for help. When we turn to ourselves, let us at least be true to our conscience, so that we may escape from the sin of deceit. Today’s society demands that we compromise on our basic morality for survival. In this world deceit has taken over our lives. We lie to ourselves, our friends, to our enemies, to our employers and to our near and dear ones. We are forced to and rarely do we have a choice. Even if we had a choice, there rarely exists a person of sufficient moral fiber to exercise his or her choice. Even if we are compelled to deceit for the sake of others, let us not lie blatantly and remorsefully but take heed that what we are doing is wrong. Today many circumstances demand that we resort to deceit, so that we may eke out a decent living, live with dignity and protect those around us. The evils of globalization, terrorism, bigotry and unnecessary competition for basic necessities have ensured that. It is no more an option but a necessity for the common man to turn to deceit. Let us take a look at some fairly recent examples close to our home and in the international scenario. During the riots in Gujarat several people were killed, burnt, raped and tortured. All for the sake of religious bigotry. Now if a person wishes to escape unharmed with his or her dignity intact, and in the course of escape if should he have to lie about his religious interests to do so, cannot be condemned for every one has been given the right to live with dignity.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Response-In Search of the Emerald City Essay
â€Å"In Search of the Emerald City†is a Short story by Witi Ihimaera. It is about a Maori family who leave their whanau and roots behind to seek the opportunities of the big city. Witi Ihimaera wants the audience to understand the desire working class people have to rise above their station in life and out do the expectations that society have for them. The father wants his children to be smarter, wealthier and have a better life than he did. â€Å"I’ve got to start looking to the future and to get my kids educated.†He believes the solution is in Wellington or ‘Emerald City.’ â€Å"Wellington’s the place. Plenty of jobs, plenty of money.†Perhaps Ihimaera used the name ‘Emerald City’ to portray the idea â€Å"Grass is always greener on the other side.†Using the word emerald to describe Wellington makes it seem desirable and sought after. It makes life in Wellington look worth aspiring too much like the fantasy la nd ‘Emerald City’ in the Wizard of Oz. â€Å"The road leads to Wellington. The big city, The Emerald city!†In the first book The Wizard of Oz the walls of the city are green but the city itself is no different in colour to any other. Read more: How to describe a fantasy city. The people in the city are made to wear green tinted glasses which affect their perception of the city. Ihimaera may have used this analogy to ‘Emerald City’ to show that the perception of Wellington being better may not have been true. Witi Ihimaera explored the idea of cultural change. As in leaving their whanau the family was also leaving their cultural roots. â€Å"Waitahi is where our bones are but we got to move. Not much room for Pa living anymore.†I think Ihimaera is showing how the Maori culture may not fit in to the modern world, that living in the traditional way can be difficult with little chance of betterment due to lack of work and educational opportunities. The father thinks he needs to adapt to the modern ways in order to get ahead in life. He wants to follow the Pakeha way of life because he thinks it is becoming the only way of life. â€Å"You’ve got to go where the money is. That’s the Pakeha way.†He feels the world is ch anging and old Maori culture and ways are falling behind. Waitahi is just one example of a traditionally Maori populated area that is losing their people to the city, the Pakeha way of life. The narrative helped me understand the great effect of the young people leaving the small, traditional Maori towns. The people who are left behind are often the ones who are older and committed to a more traditional way of life.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Reflective Paper on Gay Marriage Essay
Today many people have their own opinions and beliefs when it comes down to the topic of gay marriage. I personally feel that gay marriage should be legalized. Yes God said, â€Å"That marriage is to be between a man and a woman. †My question is, â€Å"What gives people the right to judge or tell another human-being who to love or how to love? †I personally feel it’s insulting to one’s integrity and people should be able to express their love how they see fit. For centuries the United States has been known for its civil rights and freedoms. Many Americans are angered by the idea of same-sex relationships and marriages. The biggest reason to why heterosexuals are against gay marriage is based primarily on their religious beliefs. So I’m wondering, â€Å"What’s wrong with the idea of two people being together who love and care for each other wanting to spend their lives together? †Of course the gay community is greatly misunderstood because many people who aren’t living a homosexual lifestyle just refuse to listen. Most of these individuals would rather be close-minded to the topic, rather than trying to understand the daily struggles and what it means to be gay in America or any other country for that matter. Same-sex couples aren’t asking for special treatment, but just to be treated the same as a straight couple. The ethical theory that provides the most support for same-sex marriage is utilitarianism. Utilitarianism is a natural way to see if an act is the right thing to do (or wrong thing to do) is to look at its results or consequences. Theories allow us the opportunity to identify the problem and then find ways on how to resolve them. One example would happen to be the ninth commandment, â€Å"Thou shall not lie. Given this statement we a human-beings, tend to lead busy lives and in order to not go against what we may have said, we’ll lie. We do this to keep from hurting one’s feelings. In doing this we as people look at the consequences of our actions to determine how we can make the situation better. It also states that there is an obvious solution that is fair and that may be one that appeals to common sense also. If we can mix races and people are allowed t o get married just because. Then why aren’t same-sex couples allowed the exact same opportunity? What makes people so against and afraid of allowing others to love and be with the person they choose? In a utilitarianism mind-set, society can’t say who should have a relationship. Much of the controversy rises from the decision on how one chooses to define or view marriage. Even though, it was between a man and a woman, man and a man, woman and a woman. Relativism is a concept that points of view have no absolute truth or validity. In contrast, people who are supporters of gay marriage tend to look at the glass â€Å"half-full†instead of just basing their decisions primarily on religious beliefs. Both sides have a very valid argument when it comes down to discussing this topic. From past occasions of inequality, gay rights are the next big step to creating change and an equal society. Many people of the Republican Party feel that allowing same-sex marriages will change how people view religion and family values. A large majority of people and organizations that are for gay marriage feel that not allowing same-sex marriage to be legal feel that it’s a violation against the law of the Equal Protection Clause. It’s the clause of the 14th Amendment that prohibits states from denying any person within the jurisdiction of equal protection. So for the laws to not allow same-sex couples marry is going to create a lot of controversy and scrutiny. Homosexuality is defined as the quality of being homosexual or as the erotic activity with another of the same sex. Up until the year of 1973, being homosexual was known to be a mental disorder, which was stated as such in psychology journals. Many often feel that legalizing gay marriage will lead to the legalizing of other things. Such as pedophilia and polygamy which are controversial subjects but not as much as gay marriage. Even though comparing pedophilia and polygamy to gay marriage is a little much, people feel that allowing gay marriage goes against their morals, their views on society, lives they want for their children, and the future. For some violating same-sex couples civil right is worth it in the end only because they want to protect the value of a man-woman type marriage. To deny gays and lesbians the right to marry is in violation of their civil rights as a citizen of the United States of America. Legalizing gay marriage is not to attack how one feels and how they view things, but so that those can have a chance at equality also. Gay marriage is a very emotional topic and is going to be for years to come. So many people feel that homosexuality is wrong and not normal and therefore believe that homosexuals don’t deserve the right to be married. People are going to debate on whether gay marriage is â€Å"right or wrong†, that’s just the way it is. For most of it Christian groups have been the â€Å"chief of state†when it boils down to same-sex marriage. Growing up in a Christian faith home we were taught that God loves everyone. So answer this question, â€Å"Does that circle of people not include gays or lesbians? †The Constitution gives our rights thanks to the founding fathers of our country. As Americans is this country we have many rights such as freedom of speech, freedom of worship, and so many more. Even though there are many rights, some are limited to an extent. In today’s society are government is controlled by politicians who make a majority of the decisions. Even though we are given freedoms for some reason we are scared of using them. The U. S. seems to be huge playing field, but then we have individuals who decide to take away balls, swings, slides, etc. Why do they get to take these things away? Gay marriage will continue to be a critical topic in today’s society, that’s just fact. A recent study shows that there are approximately 2, 900,000 homosexuals living in the U. S. Some chose not to give out there sexual orientation. The only states where gay marriage is legal are Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Maryland, Maine, and Washington. The following countries allow gay partnerships which are Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Hungary, Iceland, The Netherlands, France, Belgium, Portugal, Germany, and Finland. A same-sex couple is not allowed to file a joint tax return in order to lower their taxes or allowed to visit a hospital if an illness was to occur. In this case only next of kin are allowed to make hospital visits. I feel that by allowing gay marriage across the country will then give equal rights for an individual. It will decrease the amount on violence among people and will bring the country together. People often ask, â€Å"Why can’t same-sex couples be fine with just the choice of civil union? †They say this because they couldn’t possibly understand the difference between marriage and civil union. Civil union is the legal status that ensures to same-sex couples specified rights and responsibilities of married couples. Marriage is the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage. Civil unions don’t allow the same assurance that marriage does. In our case marriages are known worldwide, as for civil unions they only exist in the state in which the couple live in. Marriage for same-sex couples happen to be way more beneficial in this case. Say for instance in a civil union, if one of the partners passes away, the living spouse cannot receive Social Security or any benefits from the government. This leaves that person in a financial crisis even though they had been with them for years. In a marriage, couples are entitled to receive their spouse’s Social Security or for that case any other benefits in case of death. This guarantees them definite financial security and rights that will protect them. In a marriage, as a couple you can move from state to state, or country to country and still be granted the same rights and protection. Where as in a civil union if you move to another state they’re rights are long being protected, that in which they were when they were living in the state they happened to be married in. One of the biggest benefits of marriage is the right to adoption. Several states don’t allow gay adoption or allow second parent adoption if an event such as loss or separation happened. Adoption is the act or process of adoption a child. Second parent adoption is when one person adopts the child of his or her partner. There are 16 states that definitely allow joint gay adoption which are; Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Washington D. C. , Illinois, Indiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington. One of the most widely cited arguments that happen to be against same-sex marriage rights is that it will harm children that happen to be raised in the â€Å"silver lining†of these relationships. Studies from social science research show that the evidence from this statement is not a supported argument. Scientific literature shows that children who happen to grow up with one or two gay/or esbian parents cope as well in emotional, cognitive, social, and sexual functioning as children raised in a heterosexual household. The optimal development seems to be influenced more by the nature of the relationship and interactions within the family, rather than by the structural form it takes. Since the year of 2002, studies have shown that children with same-sex parents do as well as children of parents of the opposite sex. This has allowed major psychological and health organizations such as (The American Psychological Association) and many more to support same-sex marriage and parenting. The word GLAAD stands for (Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation). This organization creates change. GLAAD amplifies the voice of the gay community in order to keep equality at the forefront of America’s cultural conversation. Their impact on newspapers, magazines, blogs, radio, television, movies, and so much more, which transforms attitudes to bring about real change. They hold the media accountable for the words and images they produce. When the media is allowed to be a platform to defame and stereotype the LGBT people, that’s when GLAAD steps in to take action. They leverage 25 years in media relationships and countless hours of media advocacy in order to send important messages against homophobia and discrimination. They strengthen other organizations so that they can leverage media, engage in local communities, and advance social change. Right at this present time GLAAD happens to be working with local organizations in more than 30 states to build support for equality. By collaborating with LGBT leaders and advocacy groups, happens to be the â€Å"key†to increasing the visibility of the gay community, changing hearts and minds, and securing full and lasting equality. Suicide is the third most leading cause of death among adolescents and non-suicidal self-harm occurs in 13-45% of individuals within this age group. This make this particular incident a major public health concern in today’s society. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth are particularly at risk for engaging in these behaviors. Even though, not much is known to what are the specific risk factors associated with suicidal ideas and self-harm behaviors within the population. A history of attempted uicide, impulsivity, and prospected LGBT victimization, and low social support were the reasons behind an increased risk of suicidal ideas. Lesbians are two times more likely to attempt suicide than straight woman, and gay men are six times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Attempts by gay and lesbian youth account up to 30% of all completed suicides. Gay teens are three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers and gay youth are four times more likely to make a suicide attempt requiring medical attention. The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth. This organization was founded in 1998 by James Lecesne, Peggy Rajski, and Randy Stone, who are the creators behind the Academy Award winning short film called, â€Å"Trevor†. That is a timeless coming of age story about love, loss, and to learn how to be yourself. The Trevor Project is determined to end suicide among LGBTQ youth by providing life-saving and life-affirming resources. Which include 24/7 crisis intervention lifeline, digital community, and advocacy/ educational programs that create safe, supportive, and positive environment for everyone. The vision is to provide a future where the possibilities, opportunities, and dreams are the same for all youth, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Inclusiveness is one of their mantras. This organization believe that everyone should be treated like a human-being, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, race, ethnicity, religious practice, ability, or size. The Trevor Project is also a Champion of Change, an honor that was presented by the White House for their innovative work to save the lives of LGBTQ young people. In conclusion, I don’t think I’ll ever quite understand the argument on whether homosexuals should have the right to marry and live their lives the way they choose. As citizens of this country, we all deserve the right to experience and have happiness. Isn’t that normally part of forming relationships? It transpires when we fall in love and are able to love the one we have chosen to be with. Even, if our partner happens to be of the same or opposite sex. That shouldn’t matter because â€Å"love is love†, no matter how you see it. For me I feel that same-sex marriage shouldn’t have to resort in ethical controversy, it should be left alone. I feel this way because since the age of fourteen I knew that I was gay. Throughout middle school and high school I kept it a secret and didn’t tell anyone. It was very hard because I was scared that if I came out my family, friends, and my peers wouldn’t accept me. I went through phases of anxiety, anger, lonliness, depression, and an attempt of suicide. All because I kept who I truly was locked away all because the fear of rejection. That’s a very big â€Å"pill†to have to swallow. By deciding to keep this a secret I wasn’t able to live out my truth and be who I truly am. Recently at the beginning of this past year I decided that it was time to come out to my family and friends. It was one of the most hardest and scariest things that I’ve ever had to do but I know it had to be done. Now that I have the acceptance of my family and friends I’m now able to live my life and be truly happy. It’s as if I had been suffocating for so long and now I can breathe again. I can’t explain it but it’s the greatest feeling in the world. I want every teen or young adult struggling with who they are to be able to be okay and love themselves on the inside as well as the outside. There’s a saying, â€Å"God doesn’t make mistakes. †So for every person that’s ever been told that they’re a â€Å"mistake†just know that mistakes are okay because no one’s perfect, but never ever lose your passion to express and be who your are. I just feel like I’m finally able to live out my goals, dreams, and ambitions I have for my life. It’s as if I have been given this new lease on life called â€Å"joy†. I refuse to let anyone or anything take it away.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Memorize the First 20 Elements on the Periodic Table
Memorize the First 20 Elements on the Periodic Table If you take a chemistry class there is an excellent chance you will be required to memorize the names and order of the first few elements of the periodic table. Even if you dont have to memorize the elements for a grade, it is helpful to be able to recall that information rather than look it up every time you need it. Memorize Using Mnemonic Devices Here is a mnemonic you can use to help make the memorization process easier. The symbols for the elements are associated with words that form a phrase. If you can remember the phrase and know the symbols for the elements then you can memorize the order of the elements. Hi! - HHe - HeLies - LiBecause - BeBoys - BCan - CNot - NOperate - OFireplaces - F New - NeNation - NaMight - MgAlso - AlSign - SiPeace - PSecurity - SClause - Cl A - ArKing - KCan - Ca List of the First 20 Elements You can devise your own way of memorizing the first 20 elements. It may help to associate each element with a name or a word that makes sense to you. Here are the names and symbols of the first elements. The numbers are their atomic numbers, which is how many protons are in an atom of that element. Hydrogen - HHelium - HeLithium - LiBeryllium - BeBoron - BCarbon - CNitrogen - NOxygen - OFluorine - FNeon - NeSodium - NaMagnesium - MgAluminum (or Aluminium) - AlSilicon - SiPhosphorus - PSulfur - SChlorine - ClArgon - ArPotassium - KCalcium - Ca
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Understand What Normality Means in Chemistry
Understand What Normality Means in Chemistry Normality is a measure of concentration equal to the gram equivalent weight per liter of solution. Gram equivalent weight is the measure of the reactive capacity of a molecule. The solutes role in the reaction determines the solutions normality. Normality is also known as the equivalent concentration of a solution. Normality Equation Normality (N) is the molar concentration ci divided by an equivalence factor feq: N ci / feq Another common equation is normality (N) equal to the gram equivalent weight divided by liters of solution: N gram equivalent weight / liters of solution (often expressed in g/L) or it may be the molarity multiplied by the number of equivalents: N molarity x equivalents Units of Normality The capital letter N is used to indicate concentration in terms of normality. It may also be expressed as eq/L (equivalent per liter) or meq/L (milliequivalent per liter of 0.001 N, typically reserved for medical reporting). Examples of Normality For acid reactions, a 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality (N) of 2 N because 2 moles of H ions are present per liter of solution.For sulfide precipitation reactions, where the SO4- ion is the important part, the same 1 M H2SO4 solution will have a normality of 1 N. Example Problem Find the normality of 0.1 M H2SO4 (sulfuric acid) for the reaction: H2SO4 2 NaOH → Na2SO4 2 H2O According to the equation, 2 moles of H ions (2 equivalents) from sulfuric acid react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and water. Using the equation: N molarity x equivalentsN 0.1 x 2N 0.2 N Dont be confused by the number of moles of sodium hydroxide and water in the equation. Since youve been given the molarity of the acid, you dont need the additional information. All you need to figure out are how many moles of hydrogen ions are participating in the reaction. Since sulfuric acid is a strong acid, you know it completely dissociates into its ions. Potential Issues Using N for Concentration Although normality is a useful unit of concentration, it cant be used for all situations because its value depends on an equivalence factor that can change based on the type of chemical reaction of interest. As an example, a solution of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) may be 1 N for the Mg2 ion, yet 2 N for the Cl- ion. While N is a good unit to know, its not used as much as molarity or molality in actual lab work. It has value for acid-base titrations, precipitation reactions, and redox reactions. In acid-base reactions and precipitation reactions, 1/feq is an integer value. In redox reactions, 1/feq may be a fraction.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Interview analysis and reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Interview analysis and reflection - Essay Example He said that he worked ten hours a day for seven days a week which I felt was quite demanding and required a lot of effort. He stated that he started street vending because there was a lot of work, hence, this was a result of a necessity. He admitted that he would like to change to another job which I felt was a sign of dissatisfaction. I also found out that he has a family around who included uncles and a brother. However, he indicated that the vending business was at times enough to feed his family and at times it was not which I felt was a risky job. The interviewee indicated that he also makes money through jobs in the construction, gardening and painting industries. As per the availability of these other jobs, I found out that the construction and gardening jobs were readily available in Mexico but were not readily available in Los Angeles. I also found out that the main challenge in the street vending business is lack of enough capital from the job. He stated that there was not enough money to help him advance his prospects in the job. I felt that he was stuck in the street vending job. He stated that there were no rewards from the job and that it was just like he was not working. After his vending he stated that he went back home and takes a rest. His routine was to close the job at six, going to bed at eleven and waking up at six. I felt that this was very demanding as he slept seven hours a week and works ten hours a day. I found out that what makes him happy as a street vendor was the money which I felt he was too money oriented. I also found out that he regularly conversed with his customer as it was necessary. He conversed with some while he didn’t with others. He also stated that he makes around five hundred dollars a week on hot days, but on cold days he made three hundred dollars a week. I found out th at he has a boss who bought him the car but he has to buy the fruits everyday which his boss pays but the
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