Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Market-Driven Job Evaluation and Job-Worth Systems Sample
Question: Examine the similitudes and contrasts between advertise driven occupation assessment and employment worth frameworks of employment assessment. Depict a case of each approach and give the method of reasoning to why it is the best methodology for the circumstance portrayed. Answer: Presentation Because of the advancement of the contemporary business world, organizations are constantly scanning for particular ways for building a workforce, which really encourages them to manage the changing monetary observations. Edwards (2012) recommended that activity creation and expansion identified with different products and enterprises are principally liable for building up an atmosphere requiring the valuable contribution of an appropriate human asset plan in the perfect spot for most of organizations of present day. In this specific situation, it is productive for the human asset supervisors to decide the activity worth, which can be performed by directing a vocation assessment dependent on the current market needs (Day, 2012). It is seen that the specific ramifications of the procedure urges the association to make progress alongside the other possible commitments from the data reported through the broad exploration. So as to accomplish the authoritative points beneficially, the ad ministration must need to receive a market-driven methodology for baiting the gifts from the market, enrolling them to the organization, and holding them with the workforce (Kinyili, Karanja, Namusonge, 2015). In any case, there is a noteworthy degree of distinction between the market-driven employment assessment and occupation worth framework paying little heed to their shared association with the workforce advancement. Along these lines, this paper is framed with the point of building up an appropriate conversation in regards to the Market-driven Job Evaluation versus Occupation Worth for expounding basic comprehension on what the associations should need to practice inside or remotely. Likenesses and Differences between Market-driven Job Evaluation and Job-worth System of Job Evaluation As directed by day (2012), organizations from the advanced condition are continually searching for a practical specialty, which may add to their endurance in the separate commercial centers. By the examination in regards to the authentic time period, it is seen that the associations are experiencing a regularly changing overhauling process from both inside and remotely for countering the dangers related with the market settings (). Regarding the distinguished certainty, regularly the associations can be seen planning new openings, situations, and characterizations in understanding to the requirements of its clients or authoritative techniques. Besides, organizations may make an altogether creative division for just set up for tending to the new patterns, technologic necessities, and improvement prerequisites for the company. From the above comprehension, it tends to be expected that the activity assessment methods are followed for blending an increasingly customized item or administration and offering them to the clients for advancing their purchasing experience (Effort, 2013). Here, Kinyi and Karanja (2015) have shown the proposal given by the ability the board specialists Susan Cantrell and David Smith to guarantee the presentation of a progressive new framework for overseeing individuals inside the association proficiently. The specific framework applied by the specialists was known as Workforce of One taking out the nonexclusive methodologies for reacting to the workforce prerequisites while utilizing more on the advancement of an exceptionally nuanced and tweaked framework for each worker (Edwards, 2012). The aftereffect of the investigation mirrors the arrangement of another connection between the workers and the associations. Kinyi and Karanja (2015) has additionally examined the key results of su ch procedure and concoct the discoveries that the center utilization of the altered methodology brings down the pace of representative turnover, maximiss the efficiency, and upgrades net revenue over the associations. The activity worth assessment adequately contributes the accomplishment of proposed objectives of the recognized framework. Then again, a market-driven assessment is chiefly performed by the group liable for overseeing execution of the workforce (Bamberger, Biron, Meshoulam, 2014). As a major aspect of the procedure, a precise technique is sorted out by the group with the aim of supervising the essential prerequisites for every office and unit inside the organization. Exertion (2013) has demonstrated some one of a kind elements with respect to the jobs played by the exhibition supervisory group. As indicated by the examination of the distinguished writing, execution the board framework is liable for making work answers as indicated by the assessment principles when they notice the need of another office or position for supporting the mitigation of the evaluated trouble looked by different divisions. A similar procedure is applied for inciting goals for the objections raised by the clients also (Kerzner, 2013). Hence, the distinguished situations offer ascent to the activity assessment process by setting t he standard models, which are at last submitted at the yearly meeting held by the organization. In particular, it is commendable enough to make reference to that activity appraisal done by following the activity worth framework manages the particular worth of a representatives position while deciding amount of remunerations for obtaining the distinguished position (Ulrich, 2013). Subsequently, work worth is vitally significant for the organizations to follow for giving a legitimate situation to the representatives during the lines of expansion, pay rates, and average cost for basic items. Edwards (2012) has clarified that a customary oversight by the presentation the executives office encourages them to decide if there is a requirement for increment inside the recruited position of a specific division. From the general investigation, the major closeness between Market-driven and work worth is improving the abilities of the association for fulfilling the contrasting needs of clients just as representatives. In any case, the significant distinction between the two frameworks is that inward value is kept up by work worth, where showcase driven methodology reflects how outer condition is influencing the authoritative position (Purce, 2014). Case of Each Approach and their Rationale The critical ascent of occupation worth is caused because of the unpredictability of the current business condition affected by swapping scale vacillations or swelling of items or administrations (Tyson, 2014). Various enterprises from the worldwide stage may it be retail, data innovation, or food and refreshment divisions are largely constantly given to accomplishing the noticeable portion of development from their objective market. As indicated by Kerzner (2013), the development destinations of various firms are to a great extent reliant on thinking about an assessment for deciding the need of worker development, pay rises, and workforce maintenance. The method of reasoning behind the procedure is just founded on characterizing and building up a parity flexibly and request where the unmistakable quality is given to the execution and advancement (Goetsch Davis, 2014). Then again, listening minutely and satisfying the prerequisites of buyers ought to be the chief need of a business regardless of its tasks under a little and medium undertaking or the major corporate rules. Such a situation cause the utilization of a market-driven methodology, as the procedure urges the organization to utilize a Consumer Price Index (CPI) for examining the necessities of market buyers and supporting the estimations related with the various zones of the organization (Mathis, et al., 2016). For instance, the requirement for adjustments to the particular item, administration, or office can be ordered as the market-driven methodologies. The general clarification of the two unique ideas can be reasonably explained through a model. In the short run, fiscal strategy exceptionally impacts expansion and the across the country interest for the item and administration. The given circumstance raises interest for the proficient workers who can convey quality items and administrat ions to the clients while drives the association to embrace the activity worth assessment to pull in those abilities and fulfill the muddled requests for advancing the monetary remaining of the business (Tyson, 2014). End From the reason acquired through the run of the mill contentions and correlations rendered all through the paper, it tends to be resolved that customers and representatives are two chief factors that the organization should use upon to guarantee the perfection in entire business usefulness. Purchasers decide the market-driven methodology for the organizations while workers speak to the activity worth assessment. Buyers are the ones setting the bar for ventures with respect to its future tasks like the manners in which it will accept to recruit representatives and the sort of merchandise and enterprises delivered for utilization. Then again, the company needs to weight on its inside condition to improve the activity positions for its representatives for ceaselessly meeting the assorted needs of clients. It is fundamental for the organizations to take proposals from the exhibition the board specialists to fulfill the shopper requests close by the worker concerns prosperously. The synch ronous nearness of the two kinds of occupation assessment at last leads the association to give help on examining and making employments. References Bamberger, P. A., Biron, M., Meshoulam, I. (2014).Human asset technique: Formulation, usage, and effect. Routledge. Day, N. E. (2012). Pay value as a go between of the connections among perspectives and correspondence about compensation level assurance and pay secrecy.Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies,19(4), 462-476. Edwards, M. R. (2012). Business marking: improvements and challenges.Managing Human Resources: Human Resource Management in Transition,5. Exertion, D. (2013). Actualizing Performance
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market government Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Market government - Article Example Anyway the by and large acknowledged view calls attention to the lodging air pocket to be the prime explanation. Everything began with the breakdown of Lehman Brothers and immediately entered into the market causing disturbance and framework crash. This downturn didn't occur because of a business cycle that for the most part influences every single economy. Various reasons underlie this specific instance of money related emergency including that of the stuns emerging in the general business cycles which has been instrumental in upsetting the work showcase harmony in the United States. The whole issue of the money related emergency is to be assessed from all the edges of financial aspects including the neoclassical, blended liberal and the extreme perspectives to have a point of view of the whole occasion. This paper will illuminate the different points of view set forward by the various schools of musings and in like manner place their perspectives in the accompanying sections. The Neo Classical business analysts base their speculations on the microeconomic standards which incorporate the advancement of the people and firms and to decide the balance cost and yield in the economy utilizing the market powers of interest and gracefully. The hypothesis thinks about that the individuals settle on discerning choices dependent on the data that they have about the market. The neoclassical financial specialists clarify the variances in the economies because of the upswing of the business cycles in the economy (Blanchard, 2000). The monetary factors that by and large act in a specific manner so as to bring about a downturn have carried on in a most bizarre way if there should be an occurrence of this specific money related emergency. The degree of utilization, yield venture just as the work of work was a lot of low. By examination of the financial factors it was discovered that the emergency of the current time frame is significantly more extreme contrasted with that of the Great Depression of 1937 or whatever other downturns that have occurred on the planet. The drop in the degree of
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
How to Handle Political Bullying on Facebook
How to Handle Political Bullying on Facebook Stress Management Situational Stress Print How to Handle Political Bullying on Facebook By Sherri Gordon facebook twitter Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. Learn about our editorial policy Sherri Gordon Updated on June 28, 2019 diego_cervo / iStockphoto More in Stress Management Situational Stress Effects on Health Management Techniques Job Stress Household Stress Relationship Stress Everyone has oneâ€"that Facebook friend that posts obnoxious, and sometimes offensive, political statements, articles, memes and more every day, multiple times a day. You knowâ€"that friend that has a strong opinion about anything and everything political. Even if you agree with her political views, you cringe at the inflammatory way she states her opinions. If you find yourself in this situation, you are not alone. In fact, unfriending someone for their political views is fairly common. According to a study by Pew Research Center, nearly 20 percent of social media users have blocked, unfriended or hidden someone because of their political posts online. This fact should not be surprising. Civility in politics has been decreasing for a long time and people are losing patience with the rhetoric. Much of this increase in online bullying, shaming, and political bullying has to do with the changing culture and the ability to insult others on the Internet. These insults are often made through the use of blogs, social media and more. Consequently, it is not surprising that people have become much freer with their use of words. This has become painfully apparent in recent years as religious and political disagreements become more and more volatile. And while many people have embraced the freedom that social media provides, just as many are simply fed up. A Closer Look at the Political Bullying in the 2016 Election In the 2016 election, both candidates engaged in name-calling and other bullying tactics. For instance, Democratic presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, called people who supported Republican presidential nominee, deplorables, and said they were irredeemable. Meanwhile, Trump labeled Clinton a nasty woman and referred to her as Crooked Hillary. Even the supporters of each candidate engaged in bullying tactics. On social media, Clinton supporters shamed Trump supporters by calling them racists, homophobes, xenophobes and a variety of other labels. On the Republican side of things, supporters yelled build that wall, and chanted lock her up at rallies and posted similar sentiments online. There is no doubt that the campaigning and debates in 2016 ignited tempers, unlike any other presidential race, has done. And while there has always been some mudslinging during elections, the 2016 election was much more volatile, much more personal. Many believe that the passionate disagreements were far more prevalent because of the ease and influence of social media. Whats more, social media empowers people to say things that they would never say to someones face. Much of this has to do with the fact that they can hide behind a computer screen. As a result, during the election season, people on social media were not just ranting about how much they disliked the candidates, but they often took it a step further. They also ranted about how much they disliked anyone who might support an opposing candidate often engaging in name-calling, shaming, labeling and sometimes even threats of violence. It was cyberbullying at its worst. And while most would argue that people have a right to speak their mind, is bullying through social media really free speech? Most would argue that in some ways the mean-spirited posts, the labeling, and the name-calling actually silence free speech. As a result, people are afraid to be honest about what they really think for fear of being judged or labeled.? Additionally, when people do not talk about their views or why they believe a certain way, they start to make assumptions about what other people believe. This often causes them to believe that they are being judged. They also assume that people are displeased with them or disagree with them. Yet, they have never talked about what they truly believe nor have they asked why their friends believe the way that they do. As a result, there is a lot of hostility and frustration based solely on assumptions. Tips for Dealing With Obnoxious Political Posts If you are someone that would rather see posts about a persons dinner than her monologue about a political candidate, here are some sure-fire ways to navigate the lack of digital etiquette on Facebook without losing your sanity. Take a minute. When it comes to social media, it is easy to fire off a response before you really think about it. Resist the urge to react instead of respond. Slow down and take a minute. Scroll past the post and read something else. The goal is to avoid posting something equally inflammatory and then later regretting it. Remember, even if you delete your comment later, you can never truly make it go away. So put on the brakes. A thoughtful response, or even no response at all, is a much better approach in the long run. Ask why. Not only does it allow for greater understanding, but it also broadens your own perspective. Just be sure to ask in a way that doesnt put your friend on the defensive. You dont want her to feel like she has to justify her feelings to you. Instead, keep the focus on the issues. Additionally, it might be best to have this type of conversation offline and in person. This way, you can actually see the emotions she is expressing rather than trying to assume you know by interpreting her words. A lot of interpretation is lost online. It is risky to assume you know what someone is feeling when all you have to go on are a few typed words. If you do not understand why a friend feels so strongly, ask her. Find out how this impacts her life. Sometimes it helps to view the world through a different lens. Ignore, scan or move on. Sometimes the best way to deal with cringe-worthy political posts is to simply scan through them and move on, especially if the post is simply a rant laced with name-calling and labeling. An even better option is to ignore them altogether. Remember, you cannot control what your Facebook friend posts online. And you probably wont be able to change her mind or even get her to see your side of things. But you can control how you respond. And if reading her posts irritates you, ruins your day or causes you anxiety, then it is healthier for you to ignore them. Do not allow another persons blanket bullying statements impact you and your day. Utilize the hide or block options. Fortunately, Facebook offers some options for dealing with the deluge of political bullying that takes place online. One option is to hide your friend. With this option, you remain friends but you no longer see her posts in your newsfeed. A lot of people appreciate this option because they do not want the drama of unfriending someone online, but they also do not want to see their blatantly inappropriate posts any longer either. Of course, the other option is to unfriend the person and even block her from friending you again. This option should only be used in extreme cases where you no longer hope to have contact or a relationship with the person. It is very hard to salvage a friendship once you have unfriended or blocked them on Facebook. Remember who you are dealing with. If you are friends with this person online, chances are you have some sort of relationship with the person. So when you see something that is unsettling, take a step back and look at the big picture. Is your friend going through a tough time right now? Could these political posts have something to do with a bigger issue in her life? Try to be empathetic and remember why you are friends with this person in the first place. However, if your friends political views define who she is as a person and it gets under your skin, you have some evaluating to do. Is this person a toxic friend that you should avoid, or is her friendship worth an effort? Set some limits. If you find yourself getting too worked up about other peoples political posts and subtle bullying online, it might be a good idea to take a break. You need to protect yourself from the negative feelings these posts create in you. As a result, you may want to limit the time you spend on Facebook or take a break from it altogether. Or maybe the answer is to avoid engaging in any political discussions online. If you find that you absolutely have to say something in response to all the negativity online, consider journaling your responses but then never posting them. In this way, you have released your frustration by formulating a response, but you have not offended anyone, or ticked off your employer, by actually posting it. Check your answers. Remember, there are a lot of unsubstantiated articles and information online. Make sure that if you do post a response to a political post, that your post is factual and can be verified. You dont want to contribute to the plethora of misinformation that is floating around on Facebook. Make sure that what you post is factual, accurate and not offensive. Keep in mind, that your goal should become a conscientious poster and not just someone who shares sensationalized stories because of their shock value. The last thing you want to do is to become just like your obnoxiously-political friend. After all, you need to protect your online reputation. Your Facebook Habit Might Actually Be an Addiction
Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Impact Of Service And Knowledged Based Economy And...
Worldbank (n.d.) states, â€Å"Everything that grows also changes its structure. Just as a growing tree constantly changes the shape, size, and configuration of its branches, a growing economy changes the proportions and interrelations among its basic sectors- agriculture. Industry, and services and between other sectors-rural and urban, public and private, domestic- and export-orientated (para. 1) Hodson Sullivan present that (2008) â€Å"A post-industrial society is based on services. Hence, it is a game between persons. What counts is not raw muscle power, or energy, but information†(Bell, 1976, p. 127). The essay will explain the work in modern America, including the positive and negative aspects of the service and knowledged-based economy and Americas place in the global economy. Discuss the interconnectedness of immigration, globalization, democracy, and corporate power, and how the changes in the workplace, and increasing service orientation of the economy has affe cted my life. Service Economy The new service economy has positive and negative aspects. The United States labor was once based on agriculture, then manufacturing and has now turned into an economy based on services (Hodson Sullivan, 2008). Over the years, Americans have gained more capital and with that capital services such as education, health and entertainment have increased. (Worldbank, n.d.) Because service jobs are not based on the use of machines like manufacturing, jobs are continuing to grow in theShow MoreRelatedMega Trends : Global Trends And New Ways Of Living And Working3310 Words  | 14 Pagesinstitutions that recognise global trends and plan for a changing world that will be the market leaders of the future. The low skill surplus vs the knowledged worker deficit The education sector plays a pivotal role in supplying trained and credentialed candidates to the global labour market. This role will amplify in importance as the demand for medium to high skill workers rises. Over the next decade, the dramatic shift in technology and the global marketplace will have deep impacts on the labour market
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Management Functions Within The Operations Management Essay
Sustaining Operations When a 9.0 magnitude earthquake hit the coast of Japan, no one would think any business in its path could survive such a tragedy. Nissan was able to survive the devastating effects of this natural disaster by having a plan to sustain operations. In order to sustain operations, it is essential to explore the use of process management functions within the operations management (OM) processes. Nissan was impacted by the earthquake, but fortunately they were able to explore the use of process management and incorporate them into operations management (OM) functions. Nissan has been able to use key advantages from three different operation theories: Just-in-Time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean Production as well as integrate concepts such as triple bottom line, ISO 14000 standards, and incorporate corporate responsibility principles to maintain sustainability into their operations. Nissan has incorporated theories such as Just-in-Time (JIT), Toyota Production Systems (TPS), and Lean production into their OM functions. JIT is a process that focuses on supply chain management to reduce carrying costs by having supply provided and output produced exactly when they are needed (Linton, 2016). JIT emphasizes forced problem solving, which is one JIT’s biggest advantages. This allows Nissan to focus on the problems, ultimately reducing inventory and cutting variability and waste. Nissan implemented JIT prior to the earthquake catastrophe,Show MoreRelatedThe Development of Operation Management Essay1211 Words  | 5 PagesOperation Management Operations management refers to the management of all activities directly involved in the creation of goods/services through the conversion of inputs into output. 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Examples that highlight your conclusion Table of Contents: I. Executive Summary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 II. Operations Management and Profitability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.3 III. Supply Chain Management and Profitability†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.5 IV. Examples/Case Studies†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 8 Free Essays
â€Å"Georgina?†I looked up from a baffling return Tammi had asked me to help her with. A customer without a receipt was attempting a refund on a stack of books with dog-eared pages and broken spines, claiming all of them were duplicates someone had just given him for his birthday. â€Å"Just a sec,†I told her. We will write a custom essay sample on Succubus on Top CHAPTER 8 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"I’ve got to finish this.†â€Å"Okay,†Beth said. â€Å"I just thought you should check out Casey.†â€Å"Casey?†â€Å"Yeah. She’s up in the cafe.†That snagged my attention. I finished up with the customer, telling him nicely that we couldn’t accept books in this condition. Maybe if the alleged other books were in better shape, he could bring those in. He pouted and argued a bit before finally skulking off. I rolled my eyes once he was gone. One thing that never changed among humans: there were always those who wanted to get something for nothing. It was what kept hell in business. I found Casey sitting in the cafe, drinking a glass of water. There were dark circles under her eyes, and she didn’t display her usual care in makeup and hairstyling. She stared bleakly at the table, eyes dull and glazed over. â€Å"Hey,†I said gently, pulling up a chair across from her. â€Å"How’s it going?†After a moment’s delay, she looked up, not really focusing on me. â€Å"Okay.†â€Å"You sure? You don’t look so okay.†â€Å"Dunno.†Her tone was flat, distracted. â€Å"I just had a late night, that’s all. Sorry. Sorry I came in like this.†â€Å"No problem. I’ve had my share of crazy nights.†The thing was, Casey didn’t exactly look hung over. I mean, she definitely looked like she was recovering from something†¦but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was weird. â€Å"What’d you get into? A party?†â€Å"Yeah. Doug’s band had another one.†â€Å"Really.†News to me. â€Å"Must have been pretty good.†â€Å"Dunno.†â€Å"What do you mean? You were there.†Her brow furrowed, confusion glinting in her brown eyes. â€Å"I don’t†¦really remember. Stupid, huh? I must have really been trashed. I remember†¦being with Alec. Then we left. We went somewhere. â€Å" â€Å"You don’t know?†She looked upset and closed her eyes. â€Å"There was this big house, and†¦I don’t know. I just†¦I just can’t remember. I’m sorry, Georgina. I shouldn’t have come in today, okay? Sorry.†â€Å"It’s okay. So you have no idea what you did with him? Nothing at all?†She shook her head. I shouldn’t have kept pushing for details of an employee’s personal life, but something here bothered me. It was more than my bias against Alec too. I remembered him pushing alcohol on women, his invitation to go somewhere â€Å"more intense.†Casey’s inability to remember what had happened with him smacked of date-rape drugs. â€Å"Did Alec give you anything?†For the first time in this conversation, her dull expression sharpened and looked alert. â€Å"I†¦no. No.†But she was lying. I could tell. Why? Fear of him? Embarrassment? I couldn’t bring myself to question her anymore. She looked too miserable. I told her she should go home and get some rest; she didn’t need much convincing. I took her place at the registers, silently fuming at that jerk Alec. My anger was furthered by the fact that I could do nothing. Casey’s life wasn’t really my business, and without her admitting to anything, Alec stood blameless. With Casey now gone, Paige out sick again, and Warren golfing in Florida, I felt relieved when Doug showed up. He looked as energetic as ever, so I hoped he could counter my plunging mood. â€Å"I heard you had a party.†â€Å"Yup.†He grinned, working the register next to mine. â€Å"I tried calling you, but you weren’t home.†â€Å"Had a party of my own. Hey, did you notice anything weird with Casey and Alec last night?†â€Å"Weird how? I mean, they seemed to be hitting it off.†â€Å"Nothing else?†â€Å"Nope. Not that I saw. Why? Are you interested? He’s a little young for you, but if you’re into that, I can give you his phone number.†â€Å"Hardly.†â€Å"Whoa,†he suddenly exclaimed. â€Å"Check this action out.†He picked up one of the books his customer was paying for. It was a romance novel, emblazoned with a big chested man holding an equally big chested woman. Her neck was arched back, her lips open in a moan. And her dress was falling off. â€Å"Bet there’s some good shit in here. Nothing like some throbbing members and private time to get you off, eh?†He winked at the customer, who turned crimson and didn’t say anything. She handed over some cash and hurried away as fast as she could. Aghast, I ignored the customers standing there and grabbed Doug’s arm, jerking him away from the counter. â€Å"What the hell was that?†I asked in a low, angry whisper. He laughed loudly. â€Å"Oh come on, Kincaid. I was just having a little fun. Those romance novels always crack me up.†â€Å"You do not comment on customer purchases. Furthermore, you certainly don’t swear in front of them.†â€Å"Basic training. I know all this.†â€Å"Yeah? Then act like it.†We stood there, both of us shocked at my tone. I didn’t think I’d ever talked to Doug in such a reprimanding way. Certainly not here. We were both assistant managers, partners in crime. Our entire working relationship was one of lightheartedness and messing around. â€Å"Fine,†he said after a moment. â€Å"Whatever.†We went back to the registers, both of us pointedly ignoring the other. We worked without incident a while longer until I heard him say, â€Å"Man, this has to be rough. Hope it all works out.†Looking over, I saw his customer buying a book about STDs. Doug returned my gaze with a challenging look. I finished my own purchase and then put up a â€Å"register closed†sign. Finding Andy at the information desk, I told him to ask Doug to swap spots. â€Å"Don’t tell him I told you to.†Doug seemed safer helping customers find books, yet no matter where I was in the store, I could hear him. He spoke and laughed too loudly. Whenever I caught sight of him, he was always in motion – like he couldn’t stay still. Once, he was – literally – juggling books for a customer. Another time, I saw him actually skipping as he led a customer over to the cooking section. I frowned, unsure what to do. His lively nature had been fun this last week, but he was pushing it now, and I wasn’t entirely sure what my role should be in all of this. â€Å"That redheaded girl said you’re the manager here,†a middle-aged woman suddenly said, approaching me as I rearranged a display. â€Å"I’m an assistant manager,†I told her. â€Å"What can I help you with?†She pointed to the information desk. â€Å"That man was so rude to me. He helped me find some books, and then†¦he said†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She couldn’t finish, oscillating between anger and distress. I looked at what she held. Books on clinical depression. Lovely. At least it wasn’t called Going Postal in an Insensitive Bookstore. I took a deep breath to steady myself and apologized profusely, promising I’d deal with it. I then walked her over to the head of the check-out line and told Andy to ring her books up for free. Warren never approved of that, but I didn’t care at the moment. I waited for Doug to finish with his customer and then pulled him aside once more. â€Å"We need to talk in the office.†He gave me a lopsided grin. Studying him, I saw his eyes glittering with a distracted fervor. â€Å"What for? Let’s talk here. I’ve got customers to help, you know. Can’t let this goddamned place go unattended.†I blanched at this, still forcing calm. We had a line of about four customers listening. â€Å"No. Let’s go in the back.†He rolled his eyes and threw a friendly arm around me. â€Å"Christ, you’re uptight. What’s this about?†â€Å"You know what it’s about,†I returned, wiggling out from under the arm. â€Å"You’re out of line today.†His smile fell. â€Å"No, you’re out of line. What’s with the attitude anyway? You can’t talk to me like this.†He was still too loud. More people were stopping. â€Å"I can talk to you like this when you’re acting like a jerk. You’re upsetting customers. You’re doing stuff that’s completely inappropriate, and you know it.†â€Å"‘Inappropriate?’ Jesus Fucking Christ, Kincaid! You sound like Paige now. I’m having fun. Remember that? Remember when you and I used to do that around here back before you got this stick up your ass?†We had a bona fide audience now. Customers and staff alike. Dead silence, save for the faint sounds of Vivaldi playing through the store’s sound system. â€Å"I mean,†he continued, thriving on the attention, â€Å"where do you get off acting like this? Who put you in charge? You and I are the same rank, remember? It’s like you get ten seconds of fame in Mortensen’s story, and now you think you can put on airs. Why don’t you go find him? Maybe if you got laid again, you’d stop being such a bitch.†â€Å"Doug,†I said, astonished at how firm and strong my voice was. It was like someone else was using my body to confront him, and I only watched. â€Å"You need to go home. Now. If you don’t leave, I’ll have you removed.†Of course, I had no clue how I was going to pull that off. As it was, I felt almost terrified to be facing off against him like this. My heart raced. We were standing close, thrusting our wills at one another, and he had half a head’s height on me and a bigger build. I didn’t really fear violence from him, but the physical intimidation was as scary as the psychological. Still, I held my ground, keeping my expression commanding and decisive. At last, he backed down, breaking eye contact. He shrugged and gave his goofy grin to those watching, like they were in on some joke with him. â€Å"Sure. Whatever you want. I don’t care. I could use a day off anyway.†He looked around again, face smug and defiant, like he’d won. After another survey of the crowd, he laughed and stalked out. Nobody spoke or breathed after that. I drew myself up, like none of this had bothered me either. I strode purposefully away, saying to Beth as I passed: â€Å"Will you cover the desk now?†I went upstairs to the caf? ¦ and had the barista make me a mocha. I took it with shaking hands and turned around to find Seth standing there. He wore a Ratt shirt today. â€Å"Thetis,†he said softly. I walked over to one of the windows, and he followed. Outside, cars and people moved throughout Queen Anne. I watched them without seeing them. Seth moved behind me, his presence steady and reassuring. Waiting to catch me, even though I refused to fall just yet. This, I realized, was why I chose to stay with him, sexual mishaps or no. â€Å"I suppose you witnessed all that.†â€Å"Yeah,†he said. â€Å"You handled it well.†â€Å"I didn’t want to handle it at all.†â€Å"Someone had to.†He touched my arm gently. â€Å"You can be pretty fierce sometimes.†I shook my head, still numb. â€Å"I don’t want to be fierce either.†â€Å"Georgina. Look at me.†I turned and looked. Those lovely eyes were soft and full of love, yet underscored with strength. â€Å"You did the right thing.†He rested his hands on my arms, thumbs stroking the bare skin. â€Å"You did the right thing.†â€Å"He’s my friend.†â€Å"That doesn’t matter.†â€Å"What’s wrong with him, Seth? What’s gotten into him?†â€Å"Isn’t it obvious?†â€Å"Not to me.†He smiled ruefully. â€Å"The same thing that made you eat a bag of Taco Bell food last night.†â€Å"What? Pot doesn’t do that. Make him behave like he did, I mean. Not the Taco Bell thing.†â€Å"No,†he agreed. â€Å"Pot won’t do that, but he was obviously on something. â€Å" I turned back to my view, thinking. I recalled Doug’s nonstop vigor, that feverish look in his eyes. Yes, it made sense, and it was saddening. I’d never known him to mess around with anything much harder than alcohol and marijuana. Yet†¦there was more to his exuberance lately. A drug couldn’t make you good at Tetrisor churn out an album’s worth of songs in under a month. â€Å"I don’t know what it could be then. I’ve tried almost everything once,†I admitted sheepishly. Immortality allowed experimentation without the dangerous consequences mortals faced. â€Å"But I haven’t made enough of a study to really ID anything. What do you think? Some kind of amphetamine?†â€Å"I don’t really know either.†I rubbed my temples, sensing a nasty headache coming on. I wanted nothing more just then than to go home and veg on the couch with Seth on one side, Aubrey on the other, and a plate of brownies on my lap. It wasn’t going to happen. â€Å"I’ve got to get back down there. We’re short two people now. I’m going to be here until closing again.†â€Å"You want me to come over after work? I’m supposed to paint at Terry’s, but I can bail on it.†I assured Seth he didn’t need to change his plans for me and then returned downstairs. Functionality had resumed as though nothing out of the ordinary had happened. The only thing noteworthy was the way the other staff watched me now. Not with mockery or amusement, but something else. If I hadn’t known better, I would have said my respect rating had just shot up. I got home after work, drained. Weak with exhaustion, mental and physical. When I absorbed life from victims, it was usually to sustain my immortal existence and shape-shifting. But life was full of other things that required energy. Breaking and entering. Working two twelve-hours shifts in a row. Staying virtuous around the man of your dreams. Reprimanding one of your best friends and discovering he was probably addicted to something nasty. The need for vitality itched within me, making me irritable and anxious despite my worn-out feeling. For me, that energy-longing translated into lust, a sudden need to be touched and consumed by someone I could consume in return. I called Bastien. â€Å"What is it now?†he asked sarcastically. â€Å"I suppose you’re just going to cut to the chase and call Dana. That way you can get it over with and tell her how her neighbor has a plan to seduce her and bring down her organization. Maybe while you’re at it, you can mention the break-in and get me arrested. You could even key my car if you wanted. It would be a perfect ending to my already ruined career.†â€Å"Oh shut up,†I snapped, not having the patience for this. Apparently I still had some fury left in me from earlier. â€Å"First, you were not going to bed Dana last night, so get that out of your system. Second, you probably deterred her by answering the door in the first place, as stoned as you were. Third, if you’d really wanted to endear yourself to her, you would have shown more concern for me rather than coming off as an uncaring asshole.†â€Å"How is your ankle?†he asked reluctantly. â€Å"Fine. You know how it goes.†A sprain was barely a day’s concern for an immortal. â€Å"Good enough to go dancing on.†â€Å"Dancing?†â€Å"Yes. I want you to take me out. Now. I just had the worst day ever. â€Å" â€Å"Sorry.†â€Å"Sorry? Are you turning me down? Since when have you been such a grudge-holder?†â€Å"It’s not just that†¦well, okay, maybe a little. But Bill invited me over to watch a football game.†â€Å"You hate football.†â€Å"Yeah, but I might see Dana. Sorry, Fleur . You’re on your own tonight. â€Å" Annoyed, I hung up and dialed the next best dancer I knew. â€Å"Cody,†I said, â€Å"we’re going clubbing.†â€Å"Okay,†he returned agreeably, â€Å"but I’ll have to bring Hugh and Peter.†â€Å"Ack. They dance almost as badly as Seth.†â€Å"Yeah. But I promised I’d hang out with them tonight. Unless you want to come over here? We’re playing DD right now. Do you know how many hit points a succubus has?†â€Å"All right, all right. Bring them along.†I hung up. It didn’t really matter who came anyway. I mostly just wanted people to go out with. Companionship gave the outing some semblance of normality, though it wasn’t like I needed any of them for what I was going to do. â€Å"Jesus, woman,†breathed Hugh when I answered my door an hour later. â€Å"You’re kind of screwing with my sisterly feelings for you.†I had on a pleated black skirt that covered less than half my thighs. My top was off the shoulder with three-quarter sleeves, and it stopped just above my belly button, leaving my midriff bare. It was made of clinging, stretchy black lace that looked opaque in dim lighting and showed everything – and I do mean everything – in full light. The only decision left was what body to go out in. I didn’t like to do succubus work in my usual shape – the one that worked at Emerald City and slept with Seth. I wanted an anonymous face, one that could forget and be forgotten. Staring at my bathroom mirror, I considered a number of features and ethnicities. Finally, I opted for a pretty Latina look, sultry with long dark hair. We went to the same club Bastien and I had danced at before. It played varying genres of music, but all of it was fast and heavy. It thrummed in the blood. Hugh immediately parked himself at the bar, looking exactly like the creepy guy who ogled younger women that he was. Peter seemed torn between joining him and hitting the floor. He was homebody enough to want to stay with Hugh, but I knew places like this were fertile hunting grounds for vampires and succubi alike. Reluctantly, the frumpy vampire bought a drink and then made his way to the dancers, looking hopelessly out of place. I knew he’d survive, though; he’d been doing what he did almost as long as I had. I walked up to the bar and ordered a shot of Rumple Minze, which I downed immediately. It was funny – part of me thought that I could scorn Doug for getting mixed up with some drug when I turned so readily to alcohol to ease my own tension. â€Å"Dance with me,†I told Cody, grabbing his hand. He looked good tonight, wearing a button-up shirt untucked and loose. It had a neat printed pattern on it, one of those that only confident guys with real fashion sense could actually wear. With his agile dancing and golden blond looks, he made a good partner. â€Å"What am I, your warm-up?†he asked me a few songs later. I laughed. We were dancing awfully close, and I had been moving my body more provocatively than I normally would with a friend. Unconscious motion. My succubus hunger surfacing. â€Å"Does it bother you?†â€Å"Nope. Well, other than giving me that weird incest feeling Hugh was talking about. But I don’t think you’re going to get what you need off me.†â€Å"True,†I said scanning the crowd. The place was packed with mortals, all warm and energetic and burning with life in a way my friends and I did not. Again, the itch of longing seized me. I wanted to touch them all and knew I’d have to break from Cody soon. â€Å"What’s got you all fired up anyway? We don’t usually see you like this.†That was true. Mostly he and the others just heard me bitching and moaning about my infernal job and how I hated seducing nice guys. â€Å"Need to burn off some Seth lust. That, and I got majorly run down today,†I explained, proceeding to tell him the rest. Cody felt as sad as I did about Doug, whom he knew and liked. The young vampire agreed that Doug’s erratic behavior sounded amphetamine based, and he threw out a few suggestions for me. I made a mental note to look them up later. Cody and I finally split up, each to take care of our own business. I started working the room, much as I had the other night, only this time my motivation was legitimate. I had my pick of partners and no end of free drinks. Each time I got someone to buy me one, Hugh – still at the bar – would shake his head with wry amusement. In about two hours, I had my mark. He was young and muscular, made extra gorgeous by sexy Mediterranean features. Italian descent, I suspected. He was also sweet and shy, clearly astonished that I kept dancing with him. His friends, watching from afar, apparently felt the same way. We had moved to a crowded part of the dance floor, jam-packed with other sweating, frenzied bodies. I rubbed mine against his in a more intimate way than the crowd quite required, my hands sliding over his body as we swayed. When our lips brushed against each other’s, he pulled back. He told me then – awkwardly and reluctantly – that he had a girlfriend. That didn’t come as a surprise to me. We stopped dancing, getting jostled by the crowd, and I feigned modest embarrassment for my boldness while pretending not to notice how he hadn’t seemed to want to make the girlfriend admission. â€Å"Er, wait,†he said as I started to turn and leave. Hesitation hung heavy in his voice. The voice of someone trying to rationalize something he knew he shouldn’t be doing†¦but wanted to anyway. True consternation churned on his face. â€Å"I mean, we can still†¦we can still†¦keep dancing. Can’t we?†Five dances later, I’d sweet-talked – and bribed – one of the waiters into letting us into a storage room in the club’s basement. It was dark and small and filled with extra tables, but it sufficed for what we needed. I could still hear the music from above, though none of the song’s specifics. The whole building vibrated with the beat. My guy still appeared nervous, but alcohol and opportunity were clearly winning out over his better judgment. I didn’t tell him my name. I didn’t ask for his. I pulled him to me, and we kissed – the kind of hard, furious kissing that makes your lips feel swollen afterward. His hands started on my hips and then moved upward, peeling the lace shirt up as they went, exposing my breasts. His hands fondled them wonderingly, feeling their shape and size, making my nipples harden and stand out. He leaned down and put his lips to one, sucking hard. When I felt his teeth bite gently, I grunted in approval and shifted my hands down to loosen his belt. He straightened back up, and this time I was the one who went down – literally. On my knees, I tugged on his boxers and released the erection that had been straining at the fabric. I ran my tongue along its tip, tasting the few salty drops that had already seeped out. Then, without further hesitation, I took the whole thing into my mouth, letting my tongue roll over it as my lips moved back and forth along the length of the shaft. He groaned and laced his fingers across the back of my neck, trying to push more of him inside. The first tendrils of his energy began flowing into me, sweet and delicious. He was a good one, full of strength. I sucked harder, teasing him for a couple more minutes, then broke away and stood up. The look on his face when I stopped became almost comically desperate. Like he couldn’t believe I had just done that to him. Like I had just gone and hit his shins with a baseball bat. I licked my lips and smiled. â€Å"You want more? You’re going to have to come and get it. â€Å" This was the clincher. If I was going to go to the trouble of bagging a guy with a strong life force, I might as well hit my quota with Jerome and do some corrupting as well. A guy with a serious girlfriend might feel guilty about fooling around with another woman, but he’d feel guiltier still if he was the one who took serious steps toward initiating it. It was too easy to say she made me do it. My part was done; he had to take over now. This guy might not have realized my ulterior motives here, but he seemed to sense the gravity of the situation. He stood on the edge now, the edge of a decision that could affect his eternal soul. Did he or didn’t he? Did he give in to his lust and betray a woman he cared about? Did he take a chance with me he might never get again? Or did he reject me and walk away? Did he stay faithful? My smile grew, slow and languid, as he debated. I paced around the room like I had all the time in the world, like I didn’t care what he decided to do. The click of my heels sounded loudly on the hard floor. I turned away from him, trying to make out some old framed picture on the wall. It was mostly a dark blur in the dim lighting. Then, I felt him behind me. His hands slid from my waist down to my hips, then lower to cradle my ass. He pushed up what little of the skirt there was and pulled down the strappy black thong I had underneath. Slowly, his hands traced every curve, feeling and exploring. One hand moved around the outside of my leg toward the front, between my thighs. The movement forced him to move closer to me, and I could feel him – still hard, still ready – press against my flesh. The exploring hand pushed farther between my thighs, and his breath was hard and hot on my neck. His fingers brushed the small, neatly trimmed patch of hair between my legs, then moved lower, dancing at the edges of my lips, teasing them. A small, urgent moan left my mouth, and I ground against him, hoping to get a response. He slid his fingers in a smooth rhythm, stoking my already raging desire. A minute later, those urgent fingers moved into me, probing and exploring. I was wet and slippery, but it still caught me by surprise, and I exclaimed loudly. He wrapped his other arm around my waist, pulling me even closer, and continued driving those fingers in and out. His life poured into me again. A purely physical burning welled inside of me too, growing stronger each time he moved in. But before that feeling could reach completion, he pulled his fingers out and left them out. My turn to feel unfulfilled. Gripping my shoulders, he turned me around, and I braced myself to be shoved on top of the table or up against the wall. To my astonishment, he pushed me onto my knees instead, his breathing frantic now, his eyes burning with hunger and lust. â€Å"Your mouth,†he gasped out. â€Å"I want your mouth again.†Unexpected – and perhaps a little disappointing – but it all worked the same for me. Before I could even act, he thrust himself back between my lips. A surprised sound lodged in my throat, and it seemed to turn him on even more. I no longer had to worry about who was taking the initiative here; it was all him. His hands held my head and neck in place as he pumped away, pushing into me over and over. The life-force transfer started in earnest, his energy flooding into me with his thoughts and feelings. Finally, finally, finally, he thought, aching desire crackling through him. Feeling his mind and soul, I realized then he might not have been so easy a tag as I originally thought. He loved his girlfriend. Loved her passionately. But she didn’t like oral sex, and one of the biggest fantasies of this guy’s life was to – bluntly – fuck her face. Had I started foreplay in some other way tonight, he might very well have been strong enough to decline. But I had given him the one thing he couldn’t refuse. It overpowered the guilt lurking in the back of his mind. I’ll never get this chance again. Allison doesn’t have to know. I knew that rationalization well. It was just about the oldest in the book. He thrust more urgently, that long shaft filling my mouth as his eyes watched me eagerly, and unintelligible, primal noises sounded in his throat. And for me, who had been denied an orgasm, pleasure was building in a different way. Life-force transfer doesn’t occur at the point of a physical contact or even orgasm. It’s bigger than that, more holistic. Soul to soul. His energy washed over me now in waves, and it was pure ecstasy as I rode that ocean higher and higher. My body burned with it, nearly to the breaking point. Before that crest crashed over, before our connection broke, I caught one more thought from him, plain and simple: mouth or face} Ah, men. He chose mouth, moaning loudly as he came. Warm, bitter liquid flooded over my tongue as his body spasmed and his nails dug into my neck and scalp. I waited until he finished, then swallowed because I knew it was what he wanted me to do. It was what every guy wanted. And really, it was the least I could do for him, because with his orgasm came a climax of my own. The full force of his energy hit me like a bolt of lightning at the same time he felt its loss. I broke from him, gasping at the feel of that power, swimming in that bliss, invigorated and alive. He, however, stiffened and paled, suddenly weak and confused at losing something he hadn’t even known he had. He groped blindly for support and caught the edge of a table as his legs gave out underneath him. The table saved him from completely falling over, and I caught his other arm, balancing him. Carefully, I eased him down so he could sit and lean his body against a chair. His eyes struggled to stay open as the shock of his energy loss pulled him toward unconsciousness. Another cardinal succubus rule: the stronger the guy, the stronger his loss would be. â€Å"Oh my God†¦what’s wrong with me?†Pushing aside whatever kindly feelings or sympathy I might have, reminding myself he’d – eventually – recover, I stared down at him coolly and rearranged my clothes. â€Å"I think you drank too much.†I leaned over and tugged up his pants. â€Å"I’ll go get help.†He started to protest, but I was already out the door. I strode back to the dance floor, haloed in his energy. I felt like a goddess entering a temple of worshippers, and many sets of eyes seemed to regard me as exactly that. A few quick searches, and I found his friends from earlier. I told them he’d passed out downstairs and left them to deal with it. â€Å"This one’s on me,†I heard Hugh say when I walked back up to the bar. My post-sex glamour would be especially obvious to him. I ordered a shot of Jagermeister and chased it with another shot of Goldschlager. Nothing like funny-named liquor to top off an evening. â€Å"Does it make you feel better?†the imp asked. He inclined his head toward the two empty glasses. â€Å"No,†I said. â€Å"But sometimes it helps me not remember as much.†I went home after that and cooked myself in a long, hot shower, trying to wash away the feel of sex. My buzz soon yielded to my second headache of the day and a slightly nauseous feeling. I had just settled down on the couch for mindless TV watching, back in my normal shape, when Seth showed up. â€Å"I wanted to see how you were doing,†he explained, sitting down next to me. â€Å"Better,†I told him uneasily. â€Å"Sort of. I went out with the gang.†â€Å"Ah. Sounds fun.†He didn’t sound entirely sincere. I think â€Å"the gang†still kind of weirded him out a little. He leaned his head on the couch and stared at me for a long time, not saying anything. I laughed in spite of myself. â€Å"What?†â€Å"I don’t know,†he said, face serious. He reminded me of a child staring at the tree on Christmas morning. â€Å"It’s weird. It’s just you’re so†¦so beautiful tonight. I mean, you’re always pretty, of course, but tonight, I don’t know – I can’t take my eyes off of you. I want to†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He didn’t give voice to the urge. â€Å"Must be the wet hair and pajamas,†I said lightly. â€Å"Always a turn-on.†But I knew what was bedazzling him. The guy from the club. Or rather, that guy’s stolen life. Humans couldn’t resist it. Immortals couldn’t resist it. Racking my brain, I realized Seth had never seen me so soon after a fix. He’d seen me the same day sometimes – and also commented on my attractiveness then – but this was the first time he’d received its full effect. It made me feel guilty to see him looking at me like this. His hand reached for mine, and I tried not to flinch as he took it. Even after the shower, I felt dirty and cheap. I didn’t want him to touch me after what I’d done, even if it had been in a different body. I didn’t deserve such love. Seth sighed, still enchanted. His long fingers traced warm, whirling patterns on my skin. I felt my breathing grow heavier. â€Å"I wish I could put your beauty into words. But I’m not that good of a writer. Guess I need some work.†I stood up hastily and tugged at his hand. â€Å"Now you’re just being silly. I think you’re the one that needs to go home and rest.†He blinked. â€Å"Oh. So no more, uh, attempts at sleeping?†I hesitated. I wanted to do it again but still didn’t trust myself. Or Seth actually, not with the way he kept watching me with such rapt admiration, that heat burning in his eyes. One would have thought a backroom fling might have sated my lust for the night, but I wanted Seth just as much as ever. Of course, in retrospect, maybe that wasn’t a surprise after all. Said fling hadn’t exactly addressed my physical needs. â€Å"No,†I told Seth. â€Å"Not yet. Too soon.†He looked like being separated from me would hurt him physically, but he finally conceded when I let him kiss my cheek. It was long and lingering, more sensuous than one would expect, making me inhale and then exhale a long, shuddering breath. I wouldn’t return the gesture, however. Not with these lips. He waxed on about my beauty a few more times before finally leaving, and I went to bed shortly thereafter. Lying there, I told myself over and over that I had done the right thing at the club. I had done what I needed to do to keep myself strong and capable. After all, Seth had said he loved my â€Å"whirlwind.†Sex was the means of keeping it strong. I had done the right thing. And I had done the right thing with Doug too. Everything I’d done today had been for the best. And yet†¦if that was true, then why did I feel so terrible about it all? How to cite Succubus on Top CHAPTER 8, Essay examples
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Rhetocial analyisis free essay sample
In Hanna Guthrie’s article, â€Å"Black History Month,†the UCI New University writer discusses the racism in America. In order for racism to be abolished, Guthrie accentuates racism is being spread through American Citizens self segregation. Though Hanna Guthrie article presents a clear claim and provides a small amount of factual evidence to support in itself, ultimately Guthrie article is unsuccessful because she fails to provide an adequate amount of logic-based information to support her primary claim, excessively dependent upon emotion-driven attacks on those who disagree with her, and frequently fails to present her augment in a approach that makes her creditable. Guthrie primary claim for racism experienced in the United Stated is self imposed. The writer never directly states her primary claim, but it’s inferred due to the sub arguments in the article. Throughout the Black History article, Hanna Guthrie fails to provide a sufficient amount of logical statements that support the little facts she does provide, yet she discredits them with fallacies such as hasty generalization and multiple use of emotional apply, thus forcing her to rely on an outside source to support her augment. Hanna’s first claim states, â€Å"Its irritating how many people believe that racism will end as long as almost every American minority has a special day, week, month club organization dedicated to them. †Hanna exploits the fact that most minority groups have a special day, or some other time frame for acknowledgements, yet she discredits the same fact with her extreme use of drawing conclusions with insufficient evidence. Guthrie second claim states, â€Å"Racism no longer characterizes society as a whole. †(Guthrie 1). Hanna then goes on to discussing an outside article, where she informs the reader on much information that is not needed or relevant. Hanna does not discuss the topic of how racism is no longer a,†characteristic to society as a whole,†but says â€Å"I’m not ignorant or naive about racism within our society. Hanna heavily relies on a writing done by Raina Kelly where she quotes the article 4 times within her 8 paragraphs. Her third and final claim as stated in the text reads, â€Å"I think much of the problem today in the way of racial relations, is with America’s obsession with political correctness. †(Guthrie 1). Once again her use of strong emotional appeal to state her claim, conceals and validates her statement which is truly nothing more than an opinion. She uses the fallacy of appeal to fear, or a â€Å"Scare Tactic†, by using words such as â€Å"obsession†and â€Å"radicalized movements. †When Hanna constructed her paper she didn’t use factual evidence, which in turn completely undermines her primary claim. Hanna Guthrie does anticipate counter augments when she says, â€Å"As it is, you probably think I’m racist for delivering into this issue to begin with. †(Guthrie 1). The author gives another fact when she says, â€Å"It’s a known fact that things like affirmative action give preferential treatment to American minorities. †( Guthrie 1). Hanna discredits this fact by her skewed opinion providing another false sub augment. Hannah Guthrie was a second year English major student when this article was posted in 2010. Hannah being a student questions her creditably because she isn’t an expert and nor does she have a reputation for being advocate on stopping racism. She was a writer for the UCI’s â€Å"New University†, which is a school news paper often stretching to seek attention from the media and other forms of press. The news paper organization she writes for is not a creditable source being it was a school news paper. Her outside source ,which she heavily relied on to support her main arguments, was not a creditable source as well because it was an opinionated article from Newsweek Magazine. Newsweek Magazine provides in depth news, analysis, and opinions on international issues such as politics and culture, but is actively driven by its passionate writers. Hanna then shifts her augment to be supported by political correctness, and personal responsibility, or the lack there of, which immediately discredits most of her strongest facts for her argument. Throughout most of â€Å"Black History Month†, the persistent begging of the question leaves Hanna in an endless cycle. Some may find her article to be persuasive, convincing, and compelling due to the sources the author believed to be creditable. Hanna Guthrie half heartedly supports her claim by stating, â€Å"To make my point we have an â€Å"African American†president; other African American in the spotlight are former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Colin Powell, GOP Chairman Michael Steele, Orpah Winfrey, nationally syndicated talk- radio show host Larry Elder and may more. This isn’t a creditable statement, because it’s a faulty analogy. Her comparison from the icons in the African American culture to an average African American would easily see the appeal to celebrites which undermines the author’s creditably. Hannah Guthrie article is primarily relying upon emotional appeals, inflammatory language, and condescending tone. The augment presented is not strong in its self, and is weakly supported . Hanna starts her article off by appealing to the audience emotions and sense of pride by saying, â€Å" One such example of a holiday that supposedly helps eliminate racism is Black History Month†. (Guthrie 1). She also takes an emotional offense to the term â€Å"African American†, that is followed by a misleading argument over the accepting-ness of Americans and other nationalities with in America. Hanna believes our accepting of different nationalities in America, and recognizing them as such, will lead to â€Å"self segregation†. She appeals to the readers with a false need of being a victim by saying, â€Å"All it [Club organizations and holidays] seeks to do is give preferential treatment to self segregating groups whose main purpose is to cry eternal victimhood. †(Guthrie 1). Using terms such as â€Å"white man†and â€Å"sake of calling†appeals to the audience emotionally again. She reiterate uses emotional appeals to make her false arguments more appealing to her audience. To a group of educated people they will see that her arguments aren’t facts and emotional driven â€Å"paper wasters†. Its apparent that Hanna Guthrie is attempting to sway her audience that racism is self imposed and in order to stop racism no should be anklogeded . Though Hanna Guthrie article presents a clear claim and provides a small amount of factual evidence to support in itself, ultimately Guthrie article is unsuccessful because she fails to provide an adequate amount of logic-based information to support her primary claim, excessively dependent upon emotion-driven attacks on those who disagree with her, and frequently fails to present her augment in a approach that makes her creditable.
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
4 signs that your manager is the problemâ€not you
4 signs that your manager is the problem- not you Are you having problems at work? If so, you’re not alone, and it’s not something you should ignore. Most of us spend a significant portion of our lives at work- way too much time to be constantly unhappy or submerged in an uncomfortable environment. And the truth is, there’s a wide array of possible explanations for why you’re having issues- including many that aren’t really your fault, and might be a problem of poor management. Much like our family members, the vast majority of us don’t get to pick our bosses, which means that we’re often in the passenger seat regarding who we report to on a daily basis. In a perfect world, our managers would be great people and shining examples of professionalism, individuals whom we can aspire to emulate as we learn and grow on the job.Unfortunately, we don’t live in a perfect world, and most of us aren’t lucky enough to work with perfect managers. In fact, some of us find ourselves wo rking alongside problematic managers who really exert a negative energy and adversely impact the ability of others to do their jobs.Does this sound like the situation you’re in? If so- or if you’re finding yourself unhappy at work and are unsure if the problem lies with you or your manger- then keep a lookout for the following 4 signs that just might indicate that your manager is indeed the source of the problem.Everyone is having similar issuesAlthough your knee-jerk reaction to a less than ideal work environment might be that the problem lies in others and not you, you should take a step back and try to gain some perspective on the situation. If you think your manager might be the source of your problem at work, then listen to what others are saying. If you’re the only one who’s having a problem with your manager, then maybe the situation isn’t as black and white as you think, and you may benefit from taking a deeper look at your involvement and role (hopefully in an effort to make improvements). However, if others are also reporting problems (or show dismay at how your manager does business on a daily basis), it’s a good indication that they are the problem- not you.Productivity is downOne of the truly unfortunate side effects of having a problematic manager is that not only are they difficult to work with, but they also tend to negatively impact the workflow and productivity of the department or team they lead. This impact can be profound and quite apparent- everything from decreased efficiency and productivity to poor intradepartmental and interdepartmental communication and collaboration can result from the ill effects of an unchecked managerial bad seed. If your team or department is in chaos and productivity is down- and your manager simply refuses to right the ship or is unable to- then it’s pretty clear that there’s a problem.People are unhappyWhen a team reports to a problematic manager and the situation goes unchecked for too long without a course correction, the end result is often a sharp dip in morale alongside an uptick in stress and anxiety- not a recipe for employee happiness. And when employees are unhappy, it’s hard to imagine anything positive, productive, or innovative resulting. If the people who report to your manager are unhappy, then it doesn’t take an HR professional to deduce that there may be a problem at the top that needs to be addressed.People are leavingAn extreme result of employees being too unhappy for too long is that they tend to jump ship and seek out opportunities on different teams, in other departments- and at other companies. Are you noticing a trend of employees who report to your manager fleeing their positions in droves? If so, then it’s a classic red flag that there’s an unresolved problem with your manager that needs to be addressed.If you’re having a problem at work, the only path to improvement is t o first diagnose the problem, including from where- or who- the issue originates. Use the signs covered here to help you determine if the problem lies in your manager, so you can start the process of working towards a satisfying resolution for you and your career.
Friday, March 6, 2020
PhD Thesis Writing
PhD Thesis Writing PhD Thesis Writing PhD Thesis Writing: The Way to Ease Your Job Some students set the precise objects during the education course in the university. The majority of students prefer to graduate successfully and obtain the solid and well-paid job position in the future. It is absolutely normal, but the role of universities could be underestimated. For instance, to prepare the perspective and competent researcher the students have to write the appropriate PhD thesis. For the university it would be a good chance to check the skills of student, his/her predisposition to qualitative and objective research, and his/her ability to conduct the solid research work independently. PhD thesis is a serious, probably, decisive work for the student who intend to build the career of successful researcher. PhD Thesis: Preparation and Key Factors. PhD thesis is a type of work that requires a competence and deep understanding of the subject. The good and thorough preparation will put basis for possible success. Firs t of all, as a researcher, you have to select to area of research try to choose the most appropriate sphere, where you could unlock your analyzing potential. Do not underestimate the option of good adviser the responsible adviser can give some tips and necessary recommendation. Think about possible sources of information beforehand. Make a PhD thesis outline and define the PhD thesis proposals. It will be your detailed plan of actions. When the stage of preparation is over, we get into the next level. PhD Thesis: Tips For the Working Process Here we can mark out the following points:During your work under PhD thesis use general knowledge and the questions you are going to answer. Carefully think about the answers, remember about the regular technical progress in our life, back your words with a facts and real arguments. Do not forget about the thesis proposals and follow only by the points of your plan; point the importance of your researchs purpose; Use the approved informational sources, scientific conferences, highly-rated scientific books; When you are writing, do not forget to defense your information. Sometimes, it is useful to include the general comments of some scientific authorities; Show the reader that you approve and exploit your knowledge in practice; Do not go too far in your description speak laconically and logically. Do not be afraid to show your wide thinking, but stay away from the areas that have indirect sense in relation to your topic. Of course, you must seriously look at this task: prove you are diligent and responsible person, be argumentative and follow the instructions. Good luck, folks!
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Robbing people of the ability to see enormous opportunities directly Essay
Robbing people of the ability to see enormous opportunities directly in front of them - Essay Example In this way, three of the readings which have been engaged during the course of the semester will be utilized to prove that the current system of opportunity and potential that exists for the individual within the United States is ultimately divorced from the reality, which t is oftentimes associated with such terms as the American dream. In such a manner, it will be the goal of this author to prove to the reader why the United States, in its present form, promises a hopeless situation for many participants within its society. Although it is not hard to disagree with such talking heads as Rush Limbaugh, the point that he made with regards to disagreeing with the overall level of potential and opportunity that exists within the United States was yet another example of some of the ridiculous things that he has said during the course of his career. What Limbaugh said was the following: â€Å"Such an understanding robs people of the ability to see the enormous opportunities directly in front of them†. ... ay engage with are necessarily far different than the level of potential and opportunity that a lower class or desperately poor individual would have to leverage/draw upon. Taking the case of â€Å"The Lesson†, the reader can instantly note that the narrator of the piece effectively differentiates society into two distinct groups: those that escape desperate poverty and those that continue to struggle with the painful realities of life defined by want and hardship. Such a difference is shown with regards to some of the conversations that take place near the shop windows that exhibit goods that the girls have never seen before, nor have any idea how they should be utilized. Junebug says in her conversation with Big Butt and Miss Moore, â€Å"’What’s a paperweight?’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢To weigh paper with dumbbell’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Not exactly, it is used to weigh paper down so it won’t scatter and make your desk untidy’†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢I don†™t even have a desk’†(Bambara 267). This difference with regards to the way in which different cultures exist and experience life in different dimensions helps to show the fact that the opportunity that exists for one given socioeconomic class and the opportunity and reality that exists for another are entirely different. As a means of further highlighting such a truth, Barbara Ehrenreich’s piece entitled â€Å"Serving in Florida†underscores the economic realities that exist for those individuals that have not had the fortune of receiving a college degree or making a career in any other way. Seeking to perform research with regards to how individuals at the very bottom layers of the socioeconomic chain seek to make a way for themselves, Ehrenreich sets out to engage in two minimum wage jobs at 60 + hours a week just as a means to provide for herself. The
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Consumer-brand relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Consumer-brand relationships - Essay Example When the concept of branding is applied in the marketing strategies, there is a huge possibility that an effective consumer-brand relationship is created. The marketing experts have realised that the customers have become more informed and have easy access to a wide range of choices and the only way to get competitive advantage in the respective market is to strengthen the consumer-brand relationship which means getting the customers emotionally involved with the brand (Bengtsson, Bardhi & Venkatramann, 2010). It is stated by Frank et al. (2010) that the companies that will ensure that they create a highly gripping, pleasurable, consistent and compelling experience of brand for their customers which will enable it to get the top ranking in the market. However, the companies that strive to strengthen their brand just to obtain monetary benefits or don’t take account of the customer’s preferences are often unable to create a healthy relationship with their customers. ... Theoretical perspectives of Consumer-brand relationships Brand has been defined by many researchers in different ways as there is no concrete definition for this terminology. The most easiest and raw description of a brand is â€Å"awareness about a product or service offering†(Thomson, MacInnis & Park, 2005). According to Carlson, Donavan and Cumiskey (2009), a firm has to promote its brand which comprises of creating a name, broadcasting it to the target market and then implementing it on its corporate identity or the set of service or product offerings; the brand is the key element that highlights the presence of a company and its product or service in the market. Every organisation has to market its brand so that it can create a brand identity which is the set of associations that consumers develop about a certain brand (Bauer, Heinrich & Martin, 2007). For instance, Disney World is considered to be the best place for fun, adventure and enjoyment; it is the destination th at everyone wants to go to have the spectacular experience of their lives with family and friends. Disney World has further strengthened its brand image by making valuable additions in its service offerings so that it can meet the changing demands of its consumers. In order to create a good and effective consumer-brand relationship, the marketing managers of a company have to use the logos, taglines, product attributes and other aspects in the marketing activities to differentiate the brand from its competitors (Carroll & Ahuvia, 2006). The basic requirement of strengthening the brand-consumer relationship is to give the most sensational brand experience to the customers by using all available sources such as promotional events, advertising, Websites and Customer Relationship
Monday, January 27, 2020
Global Contributions to Climate Change
Global Contributions to Climate Change Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In biology, it is the ability of our biosphere and lithosphere to continue their interactions through their different cycles. In ecology, it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For the human civilization, it is the ability to use the resources currently available for self-preservation while also allowing future generations to benefit from the same advantages. It is generally divided in three categories. The environmental dimension which dispute that a healthy ecosystem will always provide vital goods and services to humans and other organisms. The human population should be able to manage natural resources to remain sustainable. We also have the economic dimension which states that actions posed by the current human population should not reduce the potential wealth, advantages and quality of life of the next generation. The current generation should not be one to enjoy or consume all the resources available, the refore indirectly affect the next generations potential economic well-being. The last dimension is the social one. Life on earth is governed by social interactions between different civilizations which can lead to different potential outcomes. The social dimension advises us to maintain peace, security, and social justice to prevent social disruptions like war, crimes, and corruptions from staining human relationship and therefore potentially stop the creation of a next generation. Climate change is probably one of the most trending topic of the 21st century. How do we keep the earth sustainable if every action that we pose seems to decrease the lifespan of our biosphere? Kiribati is an island republic in the central pacific ocean comprised of 33 coral atolls and islet stretching along the Equator. Many of its island are inhabited, offering a remote setting for fishing, diving, and bird watching. The crowded capital south Tarawa made up of small islets retains remnants of world war two battle fought on its shores, and is known for its cultural folk dancing and handicrafts. ( Recently, it has been observed that the island is slowly drowning under the effects of climate change. The question was raised as to know if the United States should provide asylum to Loane Teitiota, a resident of this island. Residents of Kiribati islands have their own way of life. They are well known for their cultu re, their traditions, their folkloric dances, and their artisanal products. Providing asylum to Kiribati resident will not solve the issue at hand but only increase the dependence of its population slowly pushing them to their own demise. It is true that the earths climate has changed over the course of history and that we, as human species, are in part responsible for the current state of our environment, but we should be able to differentiate myths from facts. According to NASA, evidence for rapid climate change is compelling. Results from several of their researches have shown that sea level rose about 17 cm in the last century this rate has doubled over just the last decade. They have also proved that earth temperature has warmed seen 1880 consequently warming the oceans. The arctic sea is declining and the ice sheets are shrinking. Oceans have acidified and several other natural events have occurred. The combined effect of all these single events have led to some extreme events with disastrous consequences. All those facts being true, it would be totally unreasonable to bestow responsibilities for these events to a single country. The United States should not be held responsible for the result of a joint effo rt of the human civilization. According to the Climate Central, the United States come second when it comes to contribution of climate change. China produced almost twice the amount of global CO2 emissions than what was produced by the United States. Also, countries such as India, Russia, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia, and Germany also contributed to global CO2 emissions. Therefore, we can see that asking to the United States to provide asylum to residents of Kiribati islands is a responsibility that should fall upon all these countries. Unfortunately, we live in a complex society, with pre-established order and regulations. The United States and its citizens, recently have been shaken by the topic of war refugees. Immigrations regulations are really complex and do not allow anybody to enter the territory even under the worst circumstances. There are strict procedures and level of clearances that need to be passed before getting a right to stay. This show how providing asylum to Kiribatis resident could get quite comp licated if even approved. According to Friends of Science, humans are not the only cause of climate change. Global warming is also caused by some small deviations of earth from its orbital trajectory. In the past hundred years, no catastrophic warming has been recorded. In fact, earths temperature has not varied significantly enough to claim the global warming effects. It is true that significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic times but since the end of the 17th century, the average global temperature has been rising at a low steady rate, with cooling periods noted from 1940 to 1970. Carbon dioxide levels have in fact changed but also for other reasons than humans. Some geologic events also contributed to the increase of CO2 emissions such as the fluctuation of temperature due to solar radiation and galactic influences causing the surface layer of oceans to expelled more CO2. Moreover, CO2 only constitute about 0.04% of the atmosphere, therefore humans CO2 emissions could not possibly be the only factors that cause climate change. This prove that climate change at some point are no longer under human control. According to National Geographic, a language dies every two weeks. The world is diverse and our society has been built on cultures, religions, traditions, and past civilizations which defined the current human civilization. Geneticist Spencer Wells states in his speech on the human journey, that cultural extinction is the process by which a pre-established culture dies through accommodation of a migrating population to another population culture over time. Over generation, the migrating population lose its identity. As a human civilization, losing a culture is losing a part our own identity, a part of our knowledge, our history, and our potential gain for the future. It can be concluded that it is not the responsibility of the United States to grant asylum to any of the residents of Tarawa, Kiribati. Climate change is a global issue in which many countries contribute, and the downfall of the Republic of Kiribati should be the responsibility of all rather than just one. Global warming is the main concern regarding the atoll because as a result of warming, glaciers and ice sheets are melting and water is expanding causing sea-levels to rise at a dangerous rate for an island like this one.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Amistad: Natural Law vs. Positive Law Essay
Throughout the movie Amistad, directed by Steven Spielberg, conflict between Natural Law and Positive Law appears to be an underlying theme. The story is of a group of African slaves that effected a mutiny on their slave ship. After killing many Spaniards, the African slaves were then captured and put on trial. The story is based on a historical trial which took place in the United States during the years of 1939-1940. This trial ultimately became a very tricky political game between the North and South of the United States over the case of slavery, as well as an international issue between the U.S and Spain. The main question being posed throughout the movie is, were the slaves justified in their actions, and should they have been rewarded or punished for their actions? When referring to the two philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Plato, it is evident to see that both believed the slaves actions were in fact justified, however, and both believed they should not have been rewarded. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes, born April 5th 1588, was a strong believer in positive law. The definition of positive law is the theory that law is a body of rules formulated by the state, and that citizens are obligated to obey the law for the good of the state as a whole. (Alexandrowicz et al., 617) Thomas Hobbes believed people were naturally war-like and evil, (77) and also believed that all men were created equally; it is because of this equality that conflict would constantly occur because of the human properties of competition, diffidence, and glory. (Stanford University) These three factors are evidently found throughout the primary actions of the slaves in Amistad. Initially, Cinque, the main character of the movie, breaks lose from his slave chains and initiates fighting and chaos between the Africans and Spaniards. In Thomas Hobbes mind, he would justify Cinques actions as a man in competition with the men around him, which is one of his described war-like qualities. An example of diffidence can be seen when Cinques face reveals a sense of shock and anguish after he steps back and looks at what he had done to the Spanish man. And finally, a sense of glory is seen when Cinque slowly raises the sword out of the mans chest, leaving him with his last breath. Although Hobbes would believe that the slaves actions were in fact justified, he would also believe that they should be punished for what they have done. Again, it all goes back to positive law Hobbes believed that since people are war-like and evil, law should be set in order to rule over evil and maintain law and order in society. Since Cinque and the slaves acted on their war-like, evil qualities, in Thomas Hobbes mind, they should be punished. Opposite to the beliefs of Thomas Hobbes, another philosopher named Plato believed very strongly in the philosophy of Natural law. Natural law is the theory that human laws are derived from eternal and unchangeable principles that regulate the natural world and that people can become aware of these laws through the use of reason. (Alexandrowicz et al., 617) Opposing Hobbes, Plato believed that people are naturally born as good people. He believed that God gave us the ability to make good decisions and gave us instincts to live our life with. All men are by nature equal, made of all the same earth by one working man ( This famous quote by Plato is a perfect example to describe why Cinque and the slaves acted in violence, and why they are in fact justified in their actions. Cinque and the slaves recognized that all individuals are equal and therefore, no one person has control over anothers life. Once the slaves saw the treacherous pain their fellow friends were going through, they resorted to their God-given survival instincts. Although Plato, like Hobbes, would agree that what Cinque and the slaves did was in fact justified, Plato would ultimately believe the slaves should be punished for their actions. Plato, who was a student of Socrates, believed that each person is to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. Even though the slaves were in a life threatening situation, the law is still the law, and should be followed inevitably. When comparing and contrasting Thomas Hobbes and Plato, it is evident to see that both would in fact feel the slaves had a justifiable reason for their actions, however, the motives as to why are contradictory to one another. Thomas Hobbes believed that since all humans are born evil, it is simply in their nature to act out in such violence. Whereas Plato believed that all humans are born good and have God-given instincts; the slaves defended themselves using their survival instincts. On the other hand, a comparison between the two is also evident. The reasoning as to why both believed the slaves should be punished has the same underlying principle; the law. Both believed that laws are created to maintain order in society, and refusal to obey the law would both ultimately end with consequence. Steven Spielbergs Amistad is an excellent representation of the many ways the law can be interpreted. Thomas Hobbes believed all law and justice is based on the fact that people are born evil, while Plato believed that humans are born naturally good and laws are created by the use of reason. Natural law and Positive law are two very diverse views, which in the case of Amistad contain one crucial similarity; the importance of following the law. Both philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Plato evidently believe Cinque and the slaves actions were in fact justified, however, deserved punishment. Works Cited 1) Alexandrowicz, George et al.. Dimensions of Law. Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd., 2004. 2) Stanford University. Hobbes Moral and Political Philosophy Feb 12, 2002. (march 29,2008). 3) Public Quotes. Quote: God is truth and light his shadow (March 29, 2008).
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