Monday, January 27, 2020
Global Contributions to Climate Change
Global Contributions to Climate Change Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In biology, it is the ability of our biosphere and lithosphere to continue their interactions through their different cycles. In ecology, it is how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. For the human civilization, it is the ability to use the resources currently available for self-preservation while also allowing future generations to benefit from the same advantages. It is generally divided in three categories. The environmental dimension which dispute that a healthy ecosystem will always provide vital goods and services to humans and other organisms. The human population should be able to manage natural resources to remain sustainable. We also have the economic dimension which states that actions posed by the current human population should not reduce the potential wealth, advantages and quality of life of the next generation. The current generation should not be one to enjoy or consume all the resources available, the refore indirectly affect the next generations potential economic well-being. The last dimension is the social one. Life on earth is governed by social interactions between different civilizations which can lead to different potential outcomes. The social dimension advises us to maintain peace, security, and social justice to prevent social disruptions like war, crimes, and corruptions from staining human relationship and therefore potentially stop the creation of a next generation. Climate change is probably one of the most trending topic of the 21st century. How do we keep the earth sustainable if every action that we pose seems to decrease the lifespan of our biosphere? Kiribati is an island republic in the central pacific ocean comprised of 33 coral atolls and islet stretching along the Equator. Many of its island are inhabited, offering a remote setting for fishing, diving, and bird watching. The crowded capital south Tarawa made up of small islets retains remnants of world war two battle fought on its shores, and is known for its cultural folk dancing and handicrafts. ( Recently, it has been observed that the island is slowly drowning under the effects of climate change. The question was raised as to know if the United States should provide asylum to Loane Teitiota, a resident of this island. Residents of Kiribati islands have their own way of life. They are well known for their cultu re, their traditions, their folkloric dances, and their artisanal products. Providing asylum to Kiribati resident will not solve the issue at hand but only increase the dependence of its population slowly pushing them to their own demise. It is true that the earths climate has changed over the course of history and that we, as human species, are in part responsible for the current state of our environment, but we should be able to differentiate myths from facts. According to NASA, evidence for rapid climate change is compelling. Results from several of their researches have shown that sea level rose about 17 cm in the last century this rate has doubled over just the last decade. They have also proved that earth temperature has warmed seen 1880 consequently warming the oceans. The arctic sea is declining and the ice sheets are shrinking. Oceans have acidified and several other natural events have occurred. The combined effect of all these single events have led to some extreme events with disastrous consequences. All those facts being true, it would be totally unreasonable to bestow responsibilities for these events to a single country. The United States should not be held responsible for the result of a joint effo rt of the human civilization. According to the Climate Central, the United States come second when it comes to contribution of climate change. China produced almost twice the amount of global CO2 emissions than what was produced by the United States. Also, countries such as India, Russia, Brazil, Japan, Indonesia, and Germany also contributed to global CO2 emissions. Therefore, we can see that asking to the United States to provide asylum to residents of Kiribati islands is a responsibility that should fall upon all these countries. Unfortunately, we live in a complex society, with pre-established order and regulations. The United States and its citizens, recently have been shaken by the topic of war refugees. Immigrations regulations are really complex and do not allow anybody to enter the territory even under the worst circumstances. There are strict procedures and level of clearances that need to be passed before getting a right to stay. This show how providing asylum to Kiribatis resident could get quite comp licated if even approved. According to Friends of Science, humans are not the only cause of climate change. Global warming is also caused by some small deviations of earth from its orbital trajectory. In the past hundred years, no catastrophic warming has been recorded. In fact, earths temperature has not varied significantly enough to claim the global warming effects. It is true that significant changes in climate have continually occurred throughout geologic times but since the end of the 17th century, the average global temperature has been rising at a low steady rate, with cooling periods noted from 1940 to 1970. Carbon dioxide levels have in fact changed but also for other reasons than humans. Some geologic events also contributed to the increase of CO2 emissions such as the fluctuation of temperature due to solar radiation and galactic influences causing the surface layer of oceans to expelled more CO2. Moreover, CO2 only constitute about 0.04% of the atmosphere, therefore humans CO2 emissions could not possibly be the only factors that cause climate change. This prove that climate change at some point are no longer under human control. According to National Geographic, a language dies every two weeks. The world is diverse and our society has been built on cultures, religions, traditions, and past civilizations which defined the current human civilization. Geneticist Spencer Wells states in his speech on the human journey, that cultural extinction is the process by which a pre-established culture dies through accommodation of a migrating population to another population culture over time. Over generation, the migrating population lose its identity. As a human civilization, losing a culture is losing a part our own identity, a part of our knowledge, our history, and our potential gain for the future. It can be concluded that it is not the responsibility of the United States to grant asylum to any of the residents of Tarawa, Kiribati. Climate change is a global issue in which many countries contribute, and the downfall of the Republic of Kiribati should be the responsibility of all rather than just one. Global warming is the main concern regarding the atoll because as a result of warming, glaciers and ice sheets are melting and water is expanding causing sea-levels to rise at a dangerous rate for an island like this one.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Amistad: Natural Law vs. Positive Law Essay
Throughout the movie Amistad, directed by Steven Spielberg, conflict between Natural Law and Positive Law appears to be an underlying theme. The story is of a group of African slaves that effected a mutiny on their slave ship. After killing many Spaniards, the African slaves were then captured and put on trial. The story is based on a historical trial which took place in the United States during the years of 1939-1940. This trial ultimately became a very tricky political game between the North and South of the United States over the case of slavery, as well as an international issue between the U.S and Spain. The main question being posed throughout the movie is, were the slaves justified in their actions, and should they have been rewarded or punished for their actions? When referring to the two philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Plato, it is evident to see that both believed the slaves actions were in fact justified, however, and both believed they should not have been rewarded. Philosopher Thomas Hobbes, born April 5th 1588, was a strong believer in positive law. The definition of positive law is the theory that law is a body of rules formulated by the state, and that citizens are obligated to obey the law for the good of the state as a whole. (Alexandrowicz et al., 617) Thomas Hobbes believed people were naturally war-like and evil, (77) and also believed that all men were created equally; it is because of this equality that conflict would constantly occur because of the human properties of competition, diffidence, and glory. (Stanford University) These three factors are evidently found throughout the primary actions of the slaves in Amistad. Initially, Cinque, the main character of the movie, breaks lose from his slave chains and initiates fighting and chaos between the Africans and Spaniards. In Thomas Hobbes mind, he would justify Cinques actions as a man in competition with the men around him, which is one of his described war-like qualities. An example of diffidence can be seen when Cinques face reveals a sense of shock and anguish after he steps back and looks at what he had done to the Spanish man. And finally, a sense of glory is seen when Cinque slowly raises the sword out of the mans chest, leaving him with his last breath. Although Hobbes would believe that the slaves actions were in fact justified, he would also believe that they should be punished for what they have done. Again, it all goes back to positive law Hobbes believed that since people are war-like and evil, law should be set in order to rule over evil and maintain law and order in society. Since Cinque and the slaves acted on their war-like, evil qualities, in Thomas Hobbes mind, they should be punished. Opposite to the beliefs of Thomas Hobbes, another philosopher named Plato believed very strongly in the philosophy of Natural law. Natural law is the theory that human laws are derived from eternal and unchangeable principles that regulate the natural world and that people can become aware of these laws through the use of reason. (Alexandrowicz et al., 617) Opposing Hobbes, Plato believed that people are naturally born as good people. He believed that God gave us the ability to make good decisions and gave us instincts to live our life with. All men are by nature equal, made of all the same earth by one working man ( This famous quote by Plato is a perfect example to describe why Cinque and the slaves acted in violence, and why they are in fact justified in their actions. Cinque and the slaves recognized that all individuals are equal and therefore, no one person has control over anothers life. Once the slaves saw the treacherous pain their fellow friends were going through, they resorted to their God-given survival instincts. Although Plato, like Hobbes, would agree that what Cinque and the slaves did was in fact justified, Plato would ultimately believe the slaves should be punished for their actions. Plato, who was a student of Socrates, believed that each person is to do what is right and avoid what is wrong. Even though the slaves were in a life threatening situation, the law is still the law, and should be followed inevitably. When comparing and contrasting Thomas Hobbes and Plato, it is evident to see that both would in fact feel the slaves had a justifiable reason for their actions, however, the motives as to why are contradictory to one another. Thomas Hobbes believed that since all humans are born evil, it is simply in their nature to act out in such violence. Whereas Plato believed that all humans are born good and have God-given instincts; the slaves defended themselves using their survival instincts. On the other hand, a comparison between the two is also evident. The reasoning as to why both believed the slaves should be punished has the same underlying principle; the law. Both believed that laws are created to maintain order in society, and refusal to obey the law would both ultimately end with consequence. Steven Spielbergs Amistad is an excellent representation of the many ways the law can be interpreted. Thomas Hobbes believed all law and justice is based on the fact that people are born evil, while Plato believed that humans are born naturally good and laws are created by the use of reason. Natural law and Positive law are two very diverse views, which in the case of Amistad contain one crucial similarity; the importance of following the law. Both philosophers Thomas Hobbes and Plato evidently believe Cinque and the slaves actions were in fact justified, however, deserved punishment. Works Cited 1) Alexandrowicz, George et al.. Dimensions of Law. Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd., 2004. 2) Stanford University. Hobbes Moral and Political Philosophy Feb 12, 2002. (march 29,2008). 3) Public Quotes. Quote: God is truth and light his shadow (March 29, 2008).
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Leaving Summary
This is a short story written by Budge Wilson name â€Å"The Leaving†. At the beginning of the story, the narrator of the story who is a 12 year old little girl named Sylvie is suddenly woken up in the early in the morning by her mom. On the other hand, her mom who is a housewife named Elizabeth asked her to get ready for a trip but she is too lazy to wake up since it's a Sunday morning. So her mother forces her to wake up and get some clothes together. Once she is ready they leave and begin walking towards town, Sylvie was very curious and began to ask questions about where they were going but her mother did not answer.They then hopped on a train and made their way to Halifax, but Sylvie had not known yet. On the train she was still asking questions and Elizabeth was still not answering. They finally arrived in Halifax and they first went to a cheap hotel room, Sylvie thought that the place was amazing just because of the simple things like running water. Elizabeth had alread y planned what they were going to do here in the big city, so they set off. They went around town, and wound up at the university Elizabeth told Sylvie all about it.They returned to a dirty house filled with dirty dishes, as soon as they walked in the door Lester Elizabeth’s husband demanded she do the dishes, not calling her Elizabeth but only calling her women. Once she was fed up with it she stood up for her self demanding that she be called her name and that the boys help with cleaning, and also to be respected. Sylvie saw all this and knew there is a better way to live your life so she went on to university, and is living a good life.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
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